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The itch by vairagi ..... Dreams Interpreting Forum

Date:   12/26/2010 9:40:38 AM ( 15 y ago)
Hits:   7,926

of wondering, of not knowing enough, amongst seemingly knowing too much.

Delusion and obsession's missed value mirror, the tragic, the comic, the interplay we experience with all things, back to us and yet some see that we choose accordingly, beyond our present attentions perspective and perception. (what a confusingly perfect perfection we live)

When we find and allow the mental position that embraces the dropping of seperate specialness and we allow the factor of unknowing its rightful place in the formula we've been denying and living, the appropriate answers never cease, and we learn submission to, and start to feel towards (as opposed to thinking about), reality in a way that equates the itch as being us.

Yeah we're all wanting some place to stand, out of the rain/pain. We are all seeking some plausable explanation to things that are driving us to consider circumstances in a cyclic never ending analysis that leads to eventual exhaustion.

Ah could this be why one venturer was advised that if he was to meet the buddha on his way, he was to kill him ?

The importance in seeking the knowing of why may rather than being centered on yesterday's or tomorow's actual or potential experience, it may be on what lies behind the minds eye, what is driving, what is manifesting that feeling, that reality of neverending dreamlife/wakinglife interplay, the interactive producing itch.

I appreciated all that u shared, soul shareing that really pushes my consideration buttons (i appologise for any erroneous ranting/rambling assumptions ive made), u seem to be very close to dropping concern and living the lie/the joke as if it were not so personelly interpersonelly hurtfully confusing (just egoicly, conventionaly, confusing and hurtful in its own right, tempering our metal till its been refined enough to hold a real cutting edge, valuable to be used as needed). We can certainly write a detailed assumptive on things as we find them, words, thoughts, analyses, especially re dreams and all their associated confusions, not even to mention the more (seemingly) solid forms of consciousness display.

Calming down and soothingness, yeah sounds nice to the sense of discomfort. Its just that theres one itch that has no central locative place and only the most intensive hypnotic effort, allows a semblance of relief (course as suffering creatures thats where we are at most of the time!). Youve been there, and tho endorphin life is forgetfully exciting, its temporary, motivationaly driven nature makes it just another one of the way stations on this journey we find before us.

PS Perhaps youve heard but to reiterate concerning the analysis of our dream life, is that its value, rather than the contents and activities, as meaningfull and pertainant as they can be and are, is its being an awakening platform (like all perception actually is intended).

Thanks again for your personel serious sophisticated shareing.


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