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Oh God, can this be right? by Angelblue ..... The Truth in Medicine

Date:   12/24/2010 8:15:40 AM ( 15 y ago)
Hits:   2,884

Hello Hv and friends,

My husband finally decided to go to the emergency room last night. I've felt that he has a hiatal hernia - increasingly not being able to get food down his esophagus, and then throwing up food, or mostly phlegm. He hasn't passed any blood. He burps and hiccups a lot.

When I first met him, him stomach was protruding, and it seemed too high.

He was getting better, with me pulling his stomach down. Sometimes he was better and other times not. He would get worse when he would eat pasta, bread or dense cookies. Or, when he took acid reducers and ex-lax.

I also feel this problem could be partly due to his Diabetes, Type 1. Not to mention, he was given a pharmaceutical for his heart which atrophied all his muscles.

Well, since then he's been passing out, yesterday morning on the floor. He decided he was ready to do "something" about this, and we went to the emergency room.

His doctor had previously diagnosed him with esophageal cancer, even though no tests had been formally completed.

Well, at the ER, he was given fluids, and he was feeling a little better. Then, while I was gone for aminute, they did a chest x-ray, and prepped him for a barium cat-scan. He couldn't swallow the barium (this was the second time). They tried to give him something for the "nausea". He kept saying he wasn't nauseous, but maybe a muscle relaxer would help. They tried it, and it did help, after awhile. But meanwhile, while it wasn't working yet, they wanted to stick a tube down his nose for the barium to go down. He started to let them, but then his nose was injured with the sharp edges of the tube, and he told them to stop!

After the cat-scan, I saw the x-rays but have no idea how to interpret them. The doctor on staff manipulated the information out of my husband, about who his doctor is, and what his diagnosis is. Then this ER physician, said "well, he's right". He started talking about chemotherapy! He actually put on the report "obstruction in the esophagus". The actual diagnosis won't be done until the biopsy.

Then my husband was whisked away in an ambulance, to the nearest city, with me left crying.

I just feel so helpless. My husband is weak, and not tough. I can't stand the thought that they might be taking advantage of him, just because he's 65. He's already had a heart bypass, and he didn't think he even had a heart attack! Once, he fell on his back, and was given a spinal tap!

Please, please, any thoughts. Can he possibly have this cancer?

Thank you.

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