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Re: Anyone have sibo? by ashleyann00 ..... IBS: Irritable Bowel Syndrome

Date:   12/13/2010 4:45:45 PM ( 15 y ago)
Hits:   11,488

Well i had a c section in March and went on vaca and ate some food that kinda tasted funny(chicken) then an hour later was in the bathroom with diarehea and nausea.It stopped after a couple days...but then a few weeks later started again.I had it everyday multiple times a day this went on for a month.Then other symptoms extreme nausea,fatigue,no appetite,weakness started comming out.During this time I had a bad cold.I guess my immune system was very supressed.Im guessing all this caused the sibo.I cant be sure though.I have had 22 neg stool tests for parasites.Also just last week had a liver,pancreas function-which was fine so no problems there.Also complete blood count was fine-NO anemia-anemia is pretty common if you DO have parasites.So i doubt i have parasites.Yes i do get pain under my ribs(both sides) but i think thats from the rediculous amount of gas the bacteria puts off.Iam on day 7 of xifaxan-the pain is less BUT my stools are still not normal..they are orange mush with food and foul gross smell.I have a feeling my case of sibo is going to be a HUGE pain in the a** to get rid of :( Orange stool are a sign og infection in the intestine-so makes sense that mines orange.I just pray that very soon i will have a normal looking bm and feel relief of these awful symptoms.

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