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Lyme Disease: It's the Terrain, Not the Germ by KidderCreek ..... Lyme (Lime) Disease Forum

Date:   11/21/2010 3:40:36 PM ( 15 y ago)
Hits:   11,556

Lyme Disease: It's the Terrain, Not the Germ

There s a rapidly growing epidemic that is supposedly caused by the bite of a tick transferring a spirochete into the physical body, which creates a conundrum of symptoms and fatigue, ending up in the result called "Lyme disease." I have just finished reading several articles in your journal giving different approaches and opinions of how to get rid of this "germ," all essentially with no real results. Maybe everyone is looking at this in the wrong direction. Let me explain.

Back in history, more than a century ago, there were two different theories about germs and disease. The prevailing theory became the one associated with Louis Pasteur, and it is appropriately known as the germ theory of disease. basically stated, germs cause disease, and also a germ is always a germ and never changes. For example, a strep is always a strep and will never become anything else. Pasteur's rival was Antoine Bechamp, whose theory was that germs don't cause disease but live in a diseased terrain or body; also, germs are constantly changing size and shape and adapting to the terrain. It is a great historical note that Pasteur, on his deathbed, recanted and said that Bechamp was correct, "the germ is nothing, the terrain is everything."

Even though the above story was true, in 1910, the Flexner Report came out backing the concepts of the germ theory and pharmaceutical medicine. At that point, John Rockefeller, who had been treated only by a homeopath all his life, stepped in and financed the pharmaceutical industry, and all the other concepts in the way we look at disease were thrown out as worthless. Officially, Bechamp disapeared into the history books.

Let's look at Lyme disease and evaluate what Bechamp would have come up with. He stated that the germ is adapting to a weakened terrain. In my office now, I look at the human being as an 8-cylinger car that was either created by Nature or a "God," and I have found that all of the Lyme disease cases were only working on 4 or 5 cylinders. As a practitioner, my job is to get this wonderful car performing better. The first thing that I do when I see a new case is look at the history and see what injuries have happened to weaken this great machine. It's the most obvious thing in the history, but I look for other types and numbers of surgeries that have been performed on this great physical body. Frankly, surgery is just a legal assault with a knife! If I put a knife in your belly in the back of an alley, for example, and I cut out your appendix, and you are rushed to the hospital and they sew you back up, you would know that you went through a major, major injury! However, when it is done in a hopital, once it is finished, it's considered that you are now better than when you started - and that is frankly absurd. In the hospital, someone just put a knife in you and sliced and diced you apart, and that's the reality of it. Just because the tissue was anesthetized doesn't mean that the body was not injured and permanently hurt. My latest book, Doctors Are More Harmful Than Germs, explains a great deal of the previous concepts.

I have discovered that there are basically two major causes of the epidemic of Lyme disease today. I have treated more than 100 cases that had already been diagnosed with Lyme disease and found that approximately 80% have had multiple surgeries. I am a surgeon by trade and am frankly very disturbed by the number of surgeries that most Americans have had. When I was in training, I was taught that surgery is the last thing you do, because an attack with a knife is irreversible. Now, a number of the cases are having elective surgery that is cosmetic, such as liposuction, Botox, breast implants, and so on. The other 20% of the cases happen usually during birth traumas or intrauterine traumas and stresses. I will give you a simple example of a birth trauma that very few people recognize. The umbilical ligament is tied up in the diaphragm internally. When a baby is born, most doctors cut the cord very nicely and give it to mommy that way. An animal, however, eats the placenta and leaves the whole umbilical stalk in place, which dries up and eventually falls off. we should be outies in our belly buttons until our late teens and early 20's and then become innies. When the umbilical cord is tied too tight, we can't get a deep enough breath because it restricts the diaphragm; that's just a minor example of how doctors create problems through harsh deliveries. There are also a number of Lyme disease patients who had forceps used on them, and their whole cranial mechanism is completely jammed up.

Now, how do I treat this patient with Lyme disease? First I look at the
history and see the number of surgeries, and I then start to treat the surgical
scars step by step. The scars need to be treated in an order based on a neural
therapy concept called disturbance fields. There are different ways to test to
find out what is called a key disturbance field, and that needs to be treated
first. Many times you can pick it up in history; for example, that a patient
was diagnosed with Lyme disease in 2005 and six months prior had knee
replacement surgery. Finding something like that in the history where the
timing is close is very, very common. I personally use the isopathic remedies
in those disturbance fields to decrease the inflammation, but many people don't know how to use them, so even just using classic neural therapy will help greatly, Following the scar therapy, very importantly, classic osteopathic
treatment must be done! I work very closely with classic osteopathic
physicians. It is important to do the manipulative work because if you
understand the concept of craniosacral osteopathy, the whole body is expanding and contracting at least 8 to 10 times a minute. Scars will create traction lines and torque the body and not allow it to expand the way it should. when you treat this scar classically, and then the osteopathic manipulation moves it farther, now you're starting to get the body to work on more cylinders. If you can get them up to 6 or 7 cylinders, Lyme disease will be gone. You can do tests to prove it, but most importantly, the patient will definitely notice the difference after the areas are treated, and that is the most important thing there is.

Let me give you some examples of Lyme cases that I have "cured." Farrah was a 17-year-old girl who needed constant supervision most of her life. She banged her head against the wall and cried nonstop. Supposedly, her life had been normal until she was 12 years old, when she was stung by a jellyfish.
Everything went downhill from there. She was eventually diagnosed with Lyme
disease, and finally ended up in my office after a number of doctors had given
up on her case. We investigated the girl's history and discovered that she was
born at only 7 months. We also realized, at that time, that although she had
been diagnosed with Lyme disease, she was exhibiting symptoms of autism. This girl had never had her 8-cylinder car fully had only been in the shop for seven months! At this point in my career, I had seen amazing results with the use of live stem cells. We sent the girl to receive some human
umbilical cells, and what a change! Instead of crying and abusing her body, she began to speak and opened up to those around her. Today, at age 22, she has jut started her first year of college at UC Davis, where she wants to study for a carer as a naturopathic physician, so that she can do microscopic and
regenerative work, also.

After this girl received treatment, others in her Lyme support grouop came to be treated. One example was David, a large, strapping man who was on bed rest most of the time. after examining his history, we found a vasectomy and wisdom teeth removal. when we treated these areas of surgery, he improved greatly. At present, he has no sign of Lyme disease, and he is back working and off disability. Most of the time, cases like David are very obvious when you look at the history.

Another woman from the same support group had had several abortions. the
irritation caused by this procedure affected her uterine and pelvic lining, and
she was exhausted all the time. Just by having the pelvic area treated through
neural therapy at the Franckenhauser points, the patient got rapidly better.
She now has no symptoms of Lyme and is also back to living life full time.

Another big cause of Lyme disease is actual trauma during the birth process.
For example, what I thought was problably the most difficult case that I had
ever seen came to me when she was 17 years old. Her mother drove up to the
clinic in a van and got out a wheelchair and then carried this frail 93-pound
gal and put her in a wheelchair and came into the office. we took a history,
and the key story was that this patient was held back in the vaginal canal by
her mother's gynecologist, for some unknown reason. When she came out, it was as if her neck was broken and was twisted in the middle of the cervical area. She was so weak from the neck on down that she could not even open the cap from her water bottle. Now she weighs 113 pounds and has not been in a wheelchair for almost a year. She was also on multiple medications for pain and fibromyalgia, and she is now all all those drugs. She is completely cured! During the last visit, she was actually dancing in the office.

The results I've had by treating the key disturbance fields and working with
structure through craniosacral have resulted in "cures." It has been a great
deal of fun, and very exciting and inspiring to witness these patients amazement at feeling so much better. Patients are supposed to walk out of their doctor's offices and feel improvement. Unfortunately, this is very, very rare. Since my results have yielded success, I assume that the Bechampian theories that I subscribe to are correct. Remember, it is not the germ but the weakened body that is the issue. The patients that I have helped are testament to Bechamp and are a strong statement against our presumed Pasteur-based medical model."

Dr. Harvery Bigelsen
Biological Health
354 Providence Mine Road
Nevada City, California 95959
530-470-9251; fax 530-470-9163


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