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Re: Very important information about immune system and candida by dvjorge ..... Candida & Dysbiosis Forum

Date:   11/18/2010 7:59:32 PM ( 15 y ago)
Hits:   10,074

Some people take long Antibiotic rounds and get a temporary candida overgrowth that is brought back by their immune system. It is true Antibiotics trigger and cause candida because they suppress the immune system and kill the antagonistic friendly bacterial flora. There are people that have an effective immune system at the moment they take the Antibiotics . ( I mean those who are free of extracellular bacterias, parasites, toxicity, viruses and allergies ) Those people get a temporary candida overgrowth that is reversed by their own immune system without antifungals. Other people need antifungals because the overgrowth was enough to suppress the cell-mediated immunity by itself. Those people are who take Fluconazole for 2 weeks and are candida free because one time the candida levels are low, the immune system come back to balance (Th1/Th2) and they recover. There are others, like us, that have chronic candida in spite of heavy anticandida treatments. It means candida by itself isn't the only cause of our immune suppression but another cause or more than one is present. You can take the candida levels very low but if there is something that keeps the immune system STUCK in a Th2 mode, you can not end with the infection because your immune system never recover. HIV, Leukemia, Cancer, etc are causes, but chronic toxicity, parasites, H. Pylori and food intolerances are also causes that can be corrected allowing the immune system to recover its normal balance. Those of us who have done strong antifungal treatments and don't recover have something else causing suppressed cell-mediated immunity. I hope don't be HIV.

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