Re: William & The Windmill by spudlydoo ..... Renewable & Sustainable Energy
Date: 11/17/2010 10:21:39 PM ( 15 y ago)
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I'm living in a small town, very isolated from any other towns or cities, and we have all learned that necessity is certainly the mother of invention.
This is one of the main reasons that I grow my own fruit and vege, we have little access to fresh fruit and vege, and even less access to organic fruit and vege.
I have learned how to build computers, fix computers, install my own security system, build and run an internet cafe etc , from necessity. My partner is a fantastic (unlicensed) plumber, electrician, builder, painter, and a great many other skills, from sheer necessity.
Its a bit like if you don't learn to do it yourself around here, it doesn't get done :)
I think this is the same for anyone who invents or learns skills, we do it because we have to, but the people who invent and build, with the added problem of a lack of money, should absolutely be admired.
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