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Re: Anyone know what the hell this is?? by charkee ..... Candida & Dysbiosis Forum

Date:   11/11/2010 11:13:36 PM ( 15 y ago)
Hits:   4,013

Your sypmtoms indicate a "hanging conflict" according to Dr. Hamer. You are in a healing phase that can't complete.

1.5 years ago.. what did you really want but not get...

Or did you say something you regretted or wish you said something and didn't are are regretting it?

I don't believe it is in your head, clearly your body is telling you something.

Conventional and Alternative medicine consistantly operate from the same mistaken assuption-the mind has nothing to do with the body's health.

This is why 100+ years of medical reseach still can't find much on what causes most non-nutritional illness.

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