Re: I'm scared. by Hveragerthi ..... Adrenal Fatigue Forum
Date: 11/9/2010 2:14:35 PM ( 15 y ago)
Hits: 1,852
I read in an RBTI book that if your urine is acidic that it is a sign that your body will be unable to utilize vitamin c and that megadosing c will make you even more acidic.
The acidity of the urine has nothing to do with the body's ability to utilize vitamin C, nor does it directly correlate to blood pH. I posted some detailed information on this for you earlier.
But I do agree that megadosing on vitamin C is a bad idea regardless if the person has adrenal dysfunction or not. The excess is broken down in to oxalic acid, which is not good for the body and it puts more stress on the body as the body has to work overtime to eliminate the excess.
I was megadosing on Lam's program for many months. I also read that red meat and cultured veggies are highly acidic... Could have somethin to do with that...
Acids are not necessarily our enemy. While red meat does provide some acids we do not want such as pro-inflammatory arachidonic acid, cultured vegetables provide beneficial acids (lactic, acetic and fatty acids) that help protect the body from pathogens and help with nutrient absorption. Read my post on the myth of chronic acidosis. And keep in mind that we cannot live or even exist in the first place without the numerous acids that make us up, create our energy and keep us detoxed and healthy.
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