Re: Gallstones flushed successfully by billybob7788 ..... Liver Flush Support Forum
Date: 10/31/2010 7:27:55 PM ( 15 y ago)
Hits: 2,134
Well I have experienced every reaction to my success ranging from scepticism to plain panic ( my mother almost had her father die from bloacked gall duct ).
I personally think so many people are so conditioned by years of pounding by themedical industry that the very concept of doing anything like a Liver Flush BY YOURSELF and getting results THAT DONT INVOLVED SURGERY is a form of medical HERESY. People dont seem to like to think for themselves. My wife was also very skeptical until I showed her my stones I'd collected from the loo and put them in a glass jar.....
thanks for the point about gluten and stones - I am slightly gluten intolerant so might have to pull the bread back.
How many flushes do people norally do to be stone free and do the stones get bigger with each flush or stay same size but do you get more or less?
I have to say I was praying a lot too.
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