Re: puffy Eyes by Hveragerthi ..... The Truth in Medicine
Date: 10/20/2010 3:43:54 PM ( 15 y ago)
Hits: 5,927
Tahks You! What is the best way to bost the adrenals - more than vitamin C and B5. Herbs that I might tolererate ?
Here is an old post on the subject:
I generally prefer blends, but if you have multiple sensitivities then I recommend starting out with one herb at a time with a few days in between introducing another herb. This way if you have a reaction it narrows down what you reacted to.
Has the adrenal something to do with sexdrive at my age -45? Could need an advise to boost that thing to cause it´s gone. Thougth it was the candida but now I dónt know.
Yes, as you near menopause your ovaries start shutting down and your adrenals become your primary source of sex hormones. And weak adrenal function can also lead to increased stress, which does not help the sex drive much either.
Lowered sex drive in both men and women can also result from lowered testosterone levels. There is an herb called tribulus terrestris that can help elevate testosterone, or you can use nettle root as an aromatase inhibitor to prevent the conversion of testosterone in to estrogen.
Another thing - I take 5-htp (used to take cipralex etc before). I do think it helps but can I eat it every day for a long time?
I would not recommend it. in fact this can also suppress the sex drive by increasing serotonin levels. Lower serotonin levels increase sex drive. Extremely low levels can do this to the point of indiscriminate sexua| behavior. High serotonin levels on the other hand have the opposite effect decreasing sex drive and inhibiting orgasm. This is why these are common side effects of the selective serotonin reuptake (SSRI) antidepressants.
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