Synthetic "vitamin scam lesson" enclosed (edited)...Re: Recipe for huge energy boost shake by unyquity ..... Natural Healing & Herbal Solutions w/Unyquity
Date: 10/16/2010 3:52:51 AM ( 15 y ago)
Hits: 6,349
So sorry - while it might provide an 'energy boost', this forum is dedicated to *natural* health & healing, so we don't subscribe to use of unnatural substances (as in, anything isolated away from all it's natural chemicals, phytochemicals & co-factors). There's lots more info below if you're interested. lecithin - isolated, processed, non-fermented soy -- never. Soy in ANY form? not on my watch/recommendation (although some disagree). ANY SOY THAT'S NOT ORGANIC OR CERTIFIED NON-GMO *IS* GMO.
...whey protein - likely non-organic (hence from cows fed Genetically-Modified-Organisms grains and injected with all kinds of hormones, Antibiotics and other poisons) - isolated, processed, dead. No thanks.
...Concentrace mineral drops - minerals isolated away from all their natural co-factors and enzymes (and might be rock-based). It's natural for us to get our minerals (and other nutrition) from alive, whole foods & juices. If you'd like to understand what happens in our body when we ingest isolated nutrients (without their natural co-factors & enzymes), these two chapters are fantastic:
...The Nature's Answer B vitamin you're apparently referring to is here:,
if so
then it's not any "answer from nature" that's positive OR natural to our natural bodies :(
--Vitamin C (from Esther C) is ascorbic acid, hence synthetic
--Riboflavin - synthetic
--Thiamine (from HCL) - synthetic
--Niacinamide - partially synthetic
--Vitamin B6 (as pyridoxine HCI) - synthetic
--Folic Acid (no source given) - synthetic
--Vitamin B-12 (cyanocobalamine) - synthetic
--Biotin (no source given) - synthetic
--Pantothenic Acid (as Calcium pantothenate) - synthetic
--Choline (as Choline Bitartrate)
--Inositol - ???
--Soy Protein - not organic, then it's Genetically-Modified-Organisms (argggh! full os poisons that genetically mutate our gut flora)
--PABA (para-amino benzoic acid ) - synthetic
I wouldn't put that chemical-soup in my body if someone paid me to do it!
For more information on the difference between synthetic & natural vitamins & supplements, here's a few great selections:
>>>and a general liquid vitamin (we like Peter Gilham's Natural Vitality Organic liquid vitamins). <<<
Wow, what a total scam to call these "natural" OR organic. There's a few milligrams of truly organic substances in this synthetic soup, but the biggest percentage of every dose comes from chemical companies.
See the image below (all pink dots are synthetics (as are likely all the aminos :( Also the agave nectar is comparable to high fructose corn syrup
>>>Happy healthy drinking!!<<<
I'm sure you mean well and that you are very sincere in your recommendation...but it's certainly anything BUT natural for our bodies (so we don't use it or recommend it on this forum). Sadly, over 95% of all "vitamin/nutrient' products (and herbal products) on the market are misrepresented and most are very unnatural to our body and ultimately cause stress and compromise (no matter how they band-aid symptoms or put 'zings in our steps' temporarily).
You're always welcome to post/ask question about truly natural foods and health/healing here anytime.
Thanks for the opportunity to teach a 'synthetic vitamin' lesson to others ('hope you knew all that before, and weren't scammed into believing all those chemicals were natural!)
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