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Re: can't breathe--pulmonologist says its asthma, I think otherwise. by pat721 ..... Asthma Support Forum

Date:   10/11/2010 4:04:27 PM ( 14 y ago)
Hits:   18,179

Maybe it's not asthma. I couldn't even walk 200 ft. with out getting out of breadth. I smoked for almost 50 yrs. landed up in a coma, didn't know I was in the world for 3 days, diagnosed with sever emphazema, copd and an enlarged heart. I've been on oxygen for 6 yrs. and a nebulizer. I'm still going strong, do my own house work and cooking etc. but don't get out much because of the oxygen tanks I've got to drag along

We, my husband and I, take vitamins daily, and I'm going to start on something i just found while searching the net - "Food Grade Hydrogen Peroxide" From what I've read, when used with a nebulizer it's suppose to clean out the aivoilie pockets in the lungs and help breathing easier. Some testimonials say, oxygen use was stopped. I'm going to give it a try.

email me if you would like more information.

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