Silicol Gel - has anybody used this?? by Hidden Username ..... Candida & Dysbiosis Forum
Date: 9/29/2010 11:59:14 AM ( 15 y ago)
Hits: 6,049
Just wondering if anybody has used this and if they have had any success with it. I just came across it today in Holland & Barrett, don't know whether to give it a try or not...sounds very good. I think most of my problem is lack of stomach acid.
Silicol Gel has two main applications - it can be used to treat a varity of digestive problems and can also be used as a beauty supplement to improve the condition and strength of the skin, hair and nails.
Silicol Gel and Digestive Disorders:
Silicol Gel is a colloidal solution of highly dispersible silicic acid, and is easily absorbed by the body. Silicol Gel has both absorbent and adsorbent properties, meaning it can coat the lining of the digestive tract as well as binding and absorbing toxins, bacteria and irritants from food, which are then safely and naturally removed. Silicol Gel also protects the intestine wall. A single tablespoonful taken three times a day has been shown in clinical trials to normalise the function of the stomach and bowel quickly and without side effects.
Silicon (silicic acid), which comes from the latin word silex meaning flint, is one of the most common elements on earth, second only to oxygen. 25% of the earth's crust is silicon, and most of the rocks on earth contain silicon. Silicon itself is too inert to be biologically active - but in the form of its aqueous oxygen compound, colloidal silicic acid, it is essential to human health. A deficiency of silicic acid is associated with a number of health problems. Conversely, colloidal silicic acid has a variety of important clinical applications.
In traditional or folk medicine it was known that silicic acid, which was then used from siliceous earth or medicinal plants, could help or heal certain illnesses. The silicic acid was taken in tea to treat the kidneys, cystitis, bleeding and tuberculosis. Silica is also present in many foods such as oats, barley, and millet, which are not prevalent in today's western diet.
Silicic Acid in a colloidal solution (Silicol Gel and Silicol Skin) means that the silica is highly dispersed in water. The silicic acid particles in the colloidal solution are characterised by a very large surface area. On the surface are highly reactive groups, silicon, oxygen and hydrogen (Si-O-H). This large surface area and surface energy mean that colloidal silicic acid is an excellent adsorbent. This is when the surface of a solid or liquid takes up atoms, ions, molecules of gas, liquid or other matter.
Research and use points to Silicol Gel's success as a safe alternative in maintaining digestive comfort and harmony. In Sweden it was voted the Health Product of the Year for two years running.
Silicol Gel and Skin, Hair and Nails:
The highest concentrations of silicic acid in the body are found in the connective tissue of the skin, hair and nails. Silicic acid helps to prevent weakness in the connective tissues. These body tissues consist mainly of Glucosaminoglycans and their compounds with protein constituents. These bodily substances give the connective tissue its structure. The glycosaminoglycans can store silicic acid and thereby further strengthen the tissue, giving the skin its suppleness and elasticity. Silicic acid has therefore an important function in the metabolism of the body. It supports the structural growth of the connective tissue, increases the bone mineralisation, stores calcium in the bones and supports and enhances the regeneration of skin, hair and nails. As we age, the amount of silicic acid in the skin depletes and the skin begins to slack and wrinkle. Clinical trials have shown that a tablespoon a day of Silicol Gel could help hold back the premature aging process whilst improving the overall condition of the skin, hair and nails.
In the UK, Silicol Gel is available from Holland & Barrett, health food stores and independent pharmacies priced at £6.99 for 200ml and £15.99 for 500ml.
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