Here is the "B & B Info Bomb" that Uny posted, it's from Dr. Christopher.
Use B & B Tincture as follows: place four to six drops of oil of garlic in the ear with our eyedropper and follow this with four to six drops of B & B in ear, then plug ear with cotton. Turn the other ear up and do the same as with first ear-plug this one also and leave in all night, or night and day if desired, and flush ears on the seventh day. This is done by using a small ear syringe and flush with warm apple cider vinegar and distilled water (half and half) then continue on. Apply garlic oil and B & B tincture this same way week after week until desired effects are acquired.
Have the patient drink six to ten drops of the B & B tincture three or more times a day. (This could be done each hour in severe cases.) Massage B & B tincture on the cords back of the ears down the neck area and on the base of the skull (medulla area) several times a day. [NL 1-12]
4. Hearing Loss: We generally put four to six drops of oil of garlic into the ears first (with an eye dropper) then follow this with four to six drops of this special nerve tincture (more or less according to the size of the ear, that is, age of patient). It is best to do this procedure at night, plugging the ears with cotton and leaving it in all night, removing the cotton the next morning. Do this routine six days a week and on the seventh day of each week flush out the ears with a small ear syringe. The liquid used (to flush) is warm apple cider vinegar and distilled water--half and half. Use a small ear syringe (most drug stores carry them) but do not use heavy pressure, just an easy rinse. This program is done week after week until results are obtained. With some folks we have seen the hearing restored and hearing aids discarded in just a few months. In other cases, this program must be followed for far longer periods of time before results are noticed. No two people heal alike, so be patient and follow instructions, then see what happens! [NL 3-2]