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Re: How long does the tenderness last after a flush? by hopinso ..... Liver Flush Support Forum

Date:   10/31/2005 3:53:47 PM ( 20 y ago)
Hits:   1,563

The tenderness is quite normal. You have had an unusually sucessful first flush (and you were worried about no stones). It will usually fade in a day or two. Remember that you have just performed surgery on yourself. If you continue to feel the same degree of tenderness, experience nausea or vomiting, or have acute right quadrant pain after 48 hours, then you might have a stuck stone. Usually you can repeat the flush and the problem will be solved. Today, concentrate on getting plenty of rest and fluids. Tomorrow, if you are still uncomfortable, try taking a teaspoon of Epsom Salt in a glass of apple juice. The usually helps the pain.

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