Re: A question about ketosis by actualhealth ..... Fasting: Water Only
Date: 9/6/2010 8:30:09 PM ( 15 y ago)
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hi nothingbutwater. yes ketosis is a buzz :-) and yes you can maintain a 'lite' ketone state measured with ketone sticks from the pharmacy by eating very low GI veg. but eventually (for my body) i discovered i didn't need ketosis to maintain the same high energy, less hunger and great skin, more food, less weight. all i needed was less glucose and insulin.
i'm one of those people who just don't function well with high carbohydrate foods (grains/fruits etc). maybe my insulin doesn't distribute the higher blood glucose it generates well. not even fasting has corrected it. the glucose insulin combo just puts my inflammatory system on guard. this over-activates the whole immune system which naturally orders a resting/healing state which equates to 'constant fatigue'.
the cure for me was to maintain a BMI of 21
and keep my carbs at approx 100 per day with foods like; low GI veg, nuts, yogurt, fish, chicken etc. some days i purposely eat no carbs (ketosis its a great diuretic). this keeps me medicine free, fatigue free and as healthy as an ox.
google 'glucose inflammation'
it confirms my experience long before the net.
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