Re: Uny I'm placing an order and have a ? by unyquity ..... Natural Healing & Herbal Solutions w/Unyquity
Date: 9/6/2010 10:45:23 AM ( 15 y ago)
Hits: 1,522
Hey Uny, Howdy Krik! :)
I want to order all the things I need for the kidney cleanse but not sure how much I need of a few of the things. Great! I'll do my best. Is a 10 day supply of the IF #1 and 2# enough? ??? lol - I must be missing something here - it's enough for 10 days (obviously) I also need to know how much of the kidney formula and the glandular formula do I need to get me thru the 5 days? Is there anything else I need for the kidney cleanse? Okay, so you're going to do a 5 day kidney cleanse, and you're wanting to know how much IF#1/IF#2 you need (so you colon cleanse for 5 days before you start?) If that's the case, then 10 days worth of IF#1/IF#2 will work. However/reminder: we all need to do at least 1 or 2 thirty day cleanses (plus quarterly maintenance cleansing) - and while juice-fasting/detoxification/die-off, the IF#2 will make EVERYTHING work better (and ensure the organs/systems of elimination aren't overburdened). I once decided to stop taking the IF#2 during a 30 day juice fast (day 17, I'll never forget it, lol). I'd always taken IF#2 when juice-fasting, and I had no IDEA how much it was responsible for my wonderful juice-fasting experiences...until I stopped, and by the next day my tongue was 'marshmallow white' (and my tongue & teeth felts like someone had put socks on them) - and I morphed into a cross between Schulze-on-a-bad-day, a screaming banshee with PMS, and a Marine drill sergeant! It was seriously "eye opening". A few doses later, I was back to 'happy juice faster' :)
For a 5 day Kidney Cleanse, this is what you need: 5 Day Kidney Cleanse (Tincture & Tea)
For the Glandular Formula, I suggest a minimum of a teaspoon 3x daily (I've taken up to a tablespoon 3x daily). 5ml in a teaspoon (approximately 4 droppersful) = 12 droppersful x 10 days = 120 droppersful (minimum) = 4oz bottle (you'll have enough to take more than the minimum, or have a bit leftover...but a 2oz bottle isn't enough :(
I will also be ordering some of the nerve/calming herbs to see if they will help with the jitters. I did stop the kelp and it did calm things down a bit. I don't think my body wants that right now. 'Good for you and your doctor within (learning to listen/hear what your body wants is SO important :) Also, you gave me a website on the instructions for the kidney tea and I can't open it. Can you give it to me again? Sure thing! (I've pasted the contents below in case you still can't open it):
You had asked me if there were any stresser's that might have brought this on and I have to say NO. This is the first time in many years I can honestly say the only stress I have is my health issues. This year has been really good and lots of good things happening. That's GREAT!!! :::crinkling nose and frowning::: but it doesn't make sense. Of course, all systems are interconnected...I really think I have a chronic infection somewhere that is whacking out my immune system....and it's always sounded like you have a deep-seated viral infection. But it's odd (to me anyway), that you'd start showing such major adrenal symptoms because of that. Still, you know what you're body is saying and doing better than I ever could! I'm going to go thru Schulze's cleanses and see if I can't get to the root of this. It's always good to 'go through the cleanses', but doing them one at a time can be counter-productive (see below)...and you need to do a major offensive anti-viral attack (***below***) while you're supporting your body with tons of juices & superfoods (and ensuring 3bms daily and clear elimination channels). I want SO badly to see you win, and you've struggled and fought SO long...but you've never yet (to my knowledge) put it all together. ***Echinacea + garlic, St. John's & Pau d'Arco/Chaparral*** I'm getting ready to move in a couple of weeks and I can't do the kidney cleanse until after I get settled. Either I'm missing something, or you're thinking the Kidney cleanse is different than it is. All you do is making a morning lemon-lime-ade drink, brew some tea, put some tincture in it and drink it throughout the day. You can easily take the tea/tincture to work and drink it anywhere/anytime. Of course, if you'd rather wait, that's up to you (I just wanna make sure you understand it's nothing but drinking lots). Closer to the end of the month. Wish me luck:) Thanks! Gayle I'd wish you "luck" but you don't need any! You need a good solid game plan and to work the plan strong, hard & consistent. If you do that, you WILL win!
Doing one cleanse at a time, can many times work against us. Think of it like restoring an automobile that's been driven hard & fast for 30 years without much (any!) regular maintenance...and really (REALLY!) cheap fuel - many times 'fuel' that was definitely not even designed for the car! The exhaust is clogged, the fuel lines are filthy, the oil/filter needs changed (desperately), the carburetor needs calibrated and cleaned, sparks & plugs changed & gapped, alternator fixed/adjusted; transmission rebuilt (or at least overhauled); suspension aligned; new tires needed, brake pads replaced., etc. If you cleanse the exhaust & fuel lines (similar to the colon & parasite) before cleansing the oil/filter and carb (liver & parasites), you end up filthy fuel lines and clogged exhaust before you ever get the carb/oil/filter work. But if you do the oil/filter/carb before you cleanse the fuel lines and get the gunk out of the exhaust and deal the points & plugs, the plugs'll be corroded again before you know it. New tires & brake pads before an alignment? A waste of new tires/brake pads. If the alternater is 'shorting or weak' that stresses all the system parts....the electrical flow through the engine is no different than the electrical flow through the body. Change to high-grade fuel before cleansing and restoring the damage from the cheap fuel? :::sigh::: That can end up being a waste of fuel (too rich for the compromised system to handle). The human body is no different. It's always much more effective to 'put it up on blocks' and do a full body cleanse/restore, than it is to do it one at a time. Yep, it's more work, but it's FAR more effective (and you'll get MUCH more life out of the car by doing it that way). Remember: in this toxic/poisoned world, our bodies are like high-performance automobiles CONSTANTLY in overdrive (generally running on VERY low grade fuel with extremely little maintenance). There's no truly safe/healthy protocol (maintenance) we can do, that's as extreme as the totally unnatural conditions we live in. And it's only MDs and "alternative practicioners" that believe we can deal with one system of the body at a time. EVERY system/organ in the body depends upon every other. (Perhaps those analogies weren't "mechanically/technically perfect", but I'm sure you get the idea). In one of Dr. Schulzes interviews he talks about how many people say: "Well I did a colon cleanse; I did several liver flushes already; yeah, I juice fasted a few years ago; yes! I did hot/cold showers; I tried the vegan thing; I took herbs...none of it worked!" And Dr. Schulze replies, "But did you ever do everything TOGETHER?" Juices, Superfood, IF#1/#2, coffee enemas (extra bentonite/charcoal if needed to soak up toxins & relieve your body of the die-off burden), support the immune & lymphatic system (echinacea, dry skin brushing, nightly castor oil packs, etc), effective anti-virals (and strong doses), and circulation to get that nourished blood and all the herbal goodies into every nook & cranny to kill that virus! I know you can do it - all you have to do is 'put it all together' (and get those adrenals calmed down first)!
Kidney Cleanse/Flush 5 Days
(combined Dr. Schulze, Dr. Christopher, Dr. Batmanghelidj)
Each morning, upon awakening, on an empty stomach, drink 8 ounces of distilled water. Within one hour, consume the following:
The juice of one lemon and one lime mixed with 16-32 ounces of distilled water. Add to this a pinch of cayenne pepper and, to taste, add maple syrup (or other natural sweetener)
15 minutes afterward (still on an empty stomach), drink two cups of Kidney Tea, with two full droppersfuls of Kidney Tincture added per cup. Drink a total of 4-6 cups of the Tea daily, with two droppersful of Kidney Tincture in each cup. (These dosages are recommended in the Save Your Life manual). See Dr. Schulzes instructions (below) for the complete instructions.
Be sure to drink adequate water daily when doing this cleanse (distilled is always preferable). How much water is “adequate”? *** Take your body weight and divide it by two – that number is the minimum amount of ounces of pure water you should consume daily for essential hydration (and that doesn’t count any other beverage or fluid ingested). If caffeine is ingested, one should add more water -in the same quantity- as the caffeinated beverages ingested daily.
***Example for a 150 pound person: half of the weight is 75 pounds, so they should be drinking a minimum of 75 ounces of water daily. Dr. Christopher recommended that all adults should drink at least a full gallon of distilled water daily for adequate hydration. When cleansing the kidneys/bladder, enough water is very important.
To make the Kidney Tea:
Put three heaping tablespoons (medium) or four heaping tablespoons (strong) of the tea into 48 ounces of distilled water (water must be distilled, or high grade reverse osmosis only – we want the water to be as ‘empty’ as possible to absorb all the ‘herbal goodies’…other filtered & ionized water or spring/mineral water are not as good), and soak overnight. Be sure to use only stainless steel, glass, or enameled cookware. The next morning put it all into a blender and puree. Next, transfer to a pot and bring to a boil, immediately reduce heat and simmer for 15 minutes. Strain out the herbs, but do not discard them. Let cool, but drink hot. Put the used herbs back into the container of tea for further soaking. (OR, do not strain the herbs out of the tea at all, and just strain each cup as you fill your cup). In the evening add 2-3 tablespoons more of the Kidney Tea herbs and enough water for the next day. Let sit overnite and repeat the process again. Keep adding new herbs/water to the old ones until the evening of the third day, then discard all herbs and start over.
For best results in ANY cleanse, this is the protocol Dr. Schulze recommends.
Cleansing and Detoxification Program
for Kidney
2 Days of a Purifying Raw-Food Program and a 3-Day Juice Fast
Day 1: Upon arising drink 8 ounces of distilled water
Breakfast: This is a great way to start your day. The water rinses and flushes your digestive tract of any leftover food and digestive juices. Within 1 hour prepare the following Kidney & Bladder Flush Drink
15 minutes after this drink, consume 2 cups of Kidney/Bladder - Dissolve Tea with 2 dropperfuls of Kidney/Bladder Tincture added per cup. Consume 2 more cups of this tea with the Tincture added 2 more times each day. (This “dosage” for tea & tincture is FAR less than the original Save Your Life instructions; I don’t know why this is changed or if it’s possibly a misprint). Since our kidneys are burdened and overworked more than ever in the history of the world, I suggesting using the higher amounts)
Day #1 Breakfast
Live, FRESH fruit or vegetable juice is the best way to get your Vitamins, Minerals and other Essential Nutrients. They are also very important for cleansing and detoxification. If you are hungry before lunch time you may have fruit, diluted fruit juices, and fruit smoothies. Stop all fruit or fruit juices at least 1 hour before lunch. It is best while on this program not to mix fruit and vegetables together.
Day #1 Lunch
For lunch you can have diluted fresh raw vegetable juices, raw vegetables alone or in salads, sprouts, potassium broth, and herb teas. You may make dressings for the salad if you like using Olive oil, Avocado, Raw Apple Cider Vinegar, Lemon Juice, Garlic, Onions and any Herbs and Spices.
Afternoon Snacks: Raw vegetables, raw vegetable salads, diluted vegetable juices, sprouts, potassium broth and herb teas. All vegetable food must be stopped by 6 p.m.
Day #1 Dinner
Diluted fruit juices, fruits, fruit smoothies, fruit salads and herb teas.
Day #2, #3 and #4 Now we begin the 3 day fast. Start with your water, morning flush drink and herbal tea. Diluted fruit juices and herb tea until noon, diluted vegetable juices, Potassium Broth and herb tea mid-day and afternoon and diluted fruit juices and herb tea again in the evening. Consume at least 1 gallon (128 ounces) of liquid. That is 8 ounces every hour! If you get hungry, DRINK MORE!!!
Potassium Broth Recipe
This is a great-tasting addition to your cleansing program. It will flush your system of toxins, poisons and unwanted salts and acids while giving you a concentrated amount of vitamins and minerals.
Fill a large pot with 25% potato peelings, 25% carrot peelings and whole chopped beets, 25% chopped on-ions including 50 cloves of garlic , 25% celery and dark greens. Add hot peppers to taste. Add enough distilled water to cover vegetables and simmer on very low temperature for 1-2 hours. Strain, or just dip your mug in, and drink only the broth. Put the vegetables in your compost. Make enough for two days, refrigerating the leftover broth. It is important to use Organic vegetables. We do not want to consume any toxic insecticides, pesticides or inorganic chemical fertilizers while we are on a cleansing and detoxification program.
Day #5:
Today is the day to break your fast. Make this day the same as day #1. Continuation of the fast with your morning drink and then you can have some fresh fruit. Chew it very slowly and mix each mouthful with plenty of saliva. Remember, breaking your fast is a very important part of this program. Chew your food well and eat until satisfied, not full. You can always eat more later if you are still hungry. After 1:00 PM you may have a small vegetable salad, and fruit again in the evening, chewing everything to a liquid pulp.
Remember, this program restricts the types of food you will be eating, not the amount. If you are hungry at any point during this detoxification program, drink and/or eat more. The more you eat and drink, the more you will flush the toxins out of your body. Also remember to have a fun time. Your positive, healing attitude is most important to achieve maximum benefits out of this program; be loving to yourself. Take it easy when returning to a new healthy food program. Choose lighter foods for a few days and be careful not to overeat. Chew your food well. Eating smaller meals more often is better than one or two large meals. Enjoy your new set of values on food choices and amounts. For the best health, become a vegetarian. Repeat this program until you are well but do it at least once every 3 months.
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