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can anyone explain ? by #125342 ..... Consciousness and Awareness

Date:   9/2/2010 5:40:54 AM ( 15 y ago)
Hits:   5,229

we are familiar with the concept of negative attracts negative and positive attracts positive..but what of the opposites? The councellor, the minister visiting prisons, light worker, healer by the nature of their compassion and empathy are pretty positive..but by default are in the field of those who are more than likey to be in a "negative" way? i am not an energy healer and my knowledge is very limited but i read someone elses post written years ago that went along the lines something like this....

sometimes a persons own positive energy of a high frequency can shake up another's "energy grid" resulting in some type of negative toxic fallout not all of which can be pretty...that the other persons darkness can be highlighted by the presence of brightness and thus the ego feels threatened resulting in "negative behaviour and reactions"?

would this be the same as if you are open to light you are equally open to opposite darkness? ie opposites attract/meet for whatever purpose? Does positive lightness give you complete immunity?

Shamans/excorsists expose themselves to such dark situations with sincere motivation to bring light to a situation? For the lightness of jesus christ he didn't just hang around with likeminded positive people, didn't he go amidst ordinary people who expressed all shades of negativity and humaness?

How do we know our "negative" meetings with certain individuals for certain isn't negative drawing negative but actually the opposite? How can we know for certain that some meetings are just karmic opportunities to solve situations and learn lessons from past lives..? How can it be that an individual whose compass is aligned on positive have negative experiences. Can anyone shed some light on the matter to benefit those who swim in the murky waters of duality,which many people do, before the journey homeward like salmon, to the origonal source?

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