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Date:   9/1/2010 12:33:20 AM ( 14 y ago)
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Tetrahedron, LLC
Health Science Communication for People Around the World
Release: No. 1-WIKIPEDIA-5
Date Mailed: August 31, 2010
For Immediate Release
Contact: Rhonda Goade--808-965-2112;



Sherri Kane and Leonard G. Horowitz


(Note: The following article is posted online HERE. Please post this article, and/or linked page, everywhere you can. Thanks for your prayers. This information is URGENT!)

A COINTELPRO (Counter Intelligence Program) is herein exposed, including a series of illegal projects conducted by the United States Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) as overseen by the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA). The aim of this "black-op" is to investigate and disrupt dissident political organizations within the United States and abroad. This article exposes the CIA/FBI agents using Wikipedia for this agenda and COINTELPRO propaganda. The government's false rationale, "protecting national security, preventing violence, and maintaining the existing social and political order," is shown deceptive by evidence exposing those involved engaging a satanic cult.

This report exposes agent-provocateurs who forge documents, edit Wikipedia biographies, revise histories to libel and discredit targeted opponents, and conspire to commit murder, including those of journalist/whistle-blowers, benefiting their CIA/FBI corporate handlers.

This article documents how propaganda is administered today by COINTELPRO agents using the Internet, Wikipedia, and a "mix-it-all-up" strategy (i.e., the "Hegelian dialectic"). The agents co-create their celebrity, instigate and justify terrorism by generating religious and racial conflicts, cross-promote their divisive beliefs to generate controversies and social unrest, and divert attention from their criminal actions by projecting, through the media, their malice upon their targets.

To effectively extend counter-intelligence and their PSYOPs (i.e., psychological operations), frightening truths are mixed with lies by these agent-provocateurs to undermine social and political activism.

Another common denominator among these operatives is their Church of Satan associations.


Wikipedia and Wiki-company has scores of journalists, political activists, and whistle-blowers protesting the company's use by disinformation agents. These agents are herein linked to a CIA/FBI counter-intelligence campaign. They have infiltrated, disrupted, marginalized, and/or subverted individuals and groups viewed as "dissidents." Activists protesting multi-national corporations, and their criminal control over politics and economics, are considered "subversives" to their COINTELPRO.

This operation is reminiscent of J. Edgar Hoover's COINTELPRO, used
to "expose, disrupt, misdirect, discredit, or otherwise neutralize" the activities of activists and their organized movements.

The Wiki-entities that claim to
allow users to add and update biographies, routinely prohibit COINTELPRO victims from making corrections to their bios plagued by disinformation posted by CIA/FBI "dark editors," identified below as agent provocateurs.

Numerous victims prove Wikipedia and the Wiki Company routinely violates their
"neutral point of view" policy, and their "non-profit" public service commission, by facilitating this CIA/FBI fraud to further operations exclusively benefiting "crisis capitalists," and/or satanists.

The CIA/FBI-linked "dark editors," identified below, are herein exposed destroying biographies of celebrities, scientists, inventors, whistleblowers, journalists, activists and dissidents of mainstream politics and social movements. In this way, this COINTELPRO works to degenerate society, stifling innovation and progress in every field.


Complaints that the Wiki-companies, and Wikimedia Foundation, has provided criminal cover for CIA/FBI counter-intelligence operators
have been issued by dozens of organizations, journalists, and activists in recent months. The Wiki-editors have abused their public platform to control information, issue propaganda, discredit reputable authorities, degrade legitimate intelligence, suppress social movements, and generally confuse people.


The co-author of this report, Dr. Leonard Horowitz, the Editor-in-Chief of Medical Veritas journal, advancing the 528LOVERevolution, for example, was targeted by the agents exposed below. While being attacked himself, he received several requests from medical experts, scientists, and "BigPharma" whistleblowers to investigate a perceived criminal Wiki-COINTELPRO operation. Leaders from several organizations including the International Society of Orthomolecular Medicine (ISOM), and the World Organization for Natural Medicine (WONM), additionally complained. The ISOM issued an international alert (May 11, 2010; Orthomolecular Medicine News Service) informing members about the Wiki Foundation's fraud. The WONM, allied with the Sovereign Orthodox Order of Knights Hospitaller of St. John of Jerusalem, recorded the Wikipedia subversion of their humanitarian organizations, falsely tied by Wiki's "dark editors" to the Vatican, Jesuits, Jews/Zionists, and Knights of Malta, all demonized by the COINTELPRO agents.

Wikipedia's Abuse for Social Engineering

Evidence for psycho-social engineering through Wikipedia's yellow press is found in many places. For instance, its review of alternative medicine falsely implies the entire field is unscientific.

Common sense suggests fraud. Since when is a whole field "unscientific," since science is applied to every field? Nutrition, for example, is a vital part of alternative medicine. When did the entire field of nutrition become unscientific? More importantly, who is served by this disinformation nonsense?

Shedding light on the "dark editors" that Wikipedia encourages to violate common sense and experts' biographies on behalf of CIA/FBI corporate commissioners was difficult until recently. Proof of criminal operations surfaced involving CIA/FBI agent-provocateurs
attempting to discredit Horowitz. These covert operators include Greg Szymanski and Eric Jon Phelps--journalists allied with Timothy Patrick White, "Dr. True Ott," Doug Millar, Xena Carpenter, and a few others. This group was found consistently communicating their advocacy for the famous FBI/CIA operative Ted Gunderson, who is among the nation's leading experts on pedophilia, satanic networks, and child-trafficking.

The group of men are widely known as "brothers" in a religious cult called the "Bible Believers" that cross-promotes these agents, their theology, and activities. The "brothers" advance teachings of William Branham, memorialized by occult symbols on his "Christian" grave; and the Church of Satan leaders Anton LaVey and Michael Aquino. E-mails from Millar, White, and "True Ott" linked these men to numerous Internet articles featuring Gunderson's involvement in child-trafficking investigations, including allegations of his own involvements in this, the Church of Satan, and pedophilia.

Wiki's lengthy list of persons targeted for character assassinations, including several celebrities, is labeled by the Phelps/Szymanski/CIA ring as "Masonic media agents." Altered biographies in Wikipedia libel and discredit these targets as "Jesuit Temporal Coadjutors," or "disinfo/distraction agents." Phelps and Szymanski's references tie them to a white racist anti-zionist satanic cult promoted by the "Bible Believers," their doctrines,
and a leading PSYOPs expert, Michael A. Aquino.

According to the writings of these men, common sense, and massive evidence published online by many reputable sources, Gunderson et al. serve Aquino, who has reorganized America's propaganda operations for US military intelligence in the spirit of satanism and his "Church of Set." His operatives administer COINTELPRO black-ops affecting targeted organizations and "dissidents" in every corner of society.

Busting a CIA/FBI/Wikipedia Disinformation Ring

In 2009, Harkins, editor of the Idaho Observer, was murdered using lethal radiation, according to his wife.
According to more recently murdered journalist Edward Harle (pen name Christopher Story), Harkins was murdered by Don Nicoloff.  Nicoloff was one of Harkins's writers and "close friends," along with "Dr. True Ott" and Greg Szymanski. These are all co-promoters, skilled in the art and science of psychotronic warfare--deception for annihilation.

This is the same group that recently attacked Dr. Horowitz and Investigative journalist, Sherri Kane with condemning emails and phone calls.

Nicoloff, Ott, Timothy Patrick White, Szymanski, and other suspects are allied more or less with Ted Gunderson, whose links to satanist Michael Aquino, and racist Eric Jon Phelps, are unnerving, especially since Harkins considered these men "friends," acquaintances,  or allies in the patriot community.
The above link reveals the duo disparaging nearly every leader in the world of "thinking outside of the box."
Their hit list includes experts in the fields of alternative medicine, 9-11 truth, the American "patriot" community, leading environmental groups, alternative media personalities, celebrities, and various activists who oppose corporate influence over politics, war-mongering, and crisis capitalism.

Phelps apparently directs the "911: Masonic Media" wiki, as proven by the personal note published, by accident, under the heading "Beatles." This cryptic "todo" note reads (on August 23, 2010):

todo: link to cloakanddagger podcast with Eric Jon Phelps (
Choir boys, Tavistock, Ed Sullivan show back-to-back promotion, dissociative/weak-political song content, etc.)"

The cryptic message evidences covert intelligence operations to promote Phelps in the print and broadcast media. It includes references to the mind-control-linked, social programming think tank, the Tavistock Institute.

The reference, "dissociative/weak-political" music accompanying the "cloakanddagger podcast" is consistent with the government's old MKULTRA program, and new evidence proving
Michael Aquino's (Church of Set) expertise is being applied in current military applications of "psychotronic warfare." This war method features specific frequencies of music for optimal population manipulation, stress induction, generating emotional depression, and general dis-ease promotion. An article on this subject was recently published by Horowitz in Medical Veritas journal that indicts the Rockefeller Foundation for institutionalizing musical instrument tuning to A=440Hz in an effort to inflict physical, psycho-emotional, and social damage including "mass hysteria."

The counter-intelligence operative's note to apply "dissociative" (i.e., mind-numbing) programming in their media messaging is consistent with occult hypnotic trance induction and indoctrination methods. Their general  theology features atheism, self-judgment, and above-the-law racist reasoning inciting terrorism. This too reflects the Church of Satan, (Church of Set) philosophy. This thinking is used to rationalize
criminal PSYOPs, psychotronic operations, gross treason, and downright genocide impacting We The People.

Busting the CIA/FBI/Wiki-Pedophilia PSYOPs

Wikipedia has edited nearly all negative discussion about
Michael A. Aquino's Temple of Set. Aquino's biography is completely whitewashed despite mountains of indictments against him and his associates littering the Internet. He is widely reported to be involved in child p 0 r n o g r a p h y, ritualistic animal sacrifices, coprophagia, urophagia, pedophilia, murders, and infanticide. Wikipedia fails to mention Aquino is considered a modern Joseph Goebbels--chief propaganda minister for the Third Reich--spinning PSYOPs through the media as per his  mind war paper and Forth Reich--the New World Order.

Ted Gunderson's Wikipedia page is, likewise, whitewashed of Gunderson's investigations into Church of Satan networks, Temple of Set members, pedophilia, child trafficking, and ritualistic abuse. His Wiki-bio is not even linked to a World Wide Christian Radio (WWCR) page that states Gunderson triggered radio celebrity Art Bell's lawsuit for libelous allegations of child molestation. Nor does Gunderson's Wiki page mention what is reported across the Internet--that Gunderson married Church of Satan grand matriarch, Diana Rively, the ex-wife of church founder Anton LaVey, and mother of Zeena LaVey. Zeena LaVey rejected her "un-father" to work with Michael Aquino, helping to build the current Temple of Set, a satanic church, that Gunderson's step daughter, now promotes.

Alternatively, Horowitz is discredited by Wiki-dark-editors using easily proven lies, yet they prohibit the doctor from defending his reputation. In response, Horowitz attempted to post a legal notice on his Wiki page. It got him permanently barred from editing anything on Wikipedia.

Wikipedia glibly discredits Horowitz using historic revisionism. The dark editors falsely state, "
In 2001, Horowitz published 'Polio, Hepatitis B and AIDS: An Integrative Theory on a Possible Vaccine-Induced Pandemic' in the controversial non-peer-reviewed journal Medical Hypotheses."

In fact, at the time of this work's publication, the publisher, Elsevier, billed Medical Hypotheses as highly esteemed. It was peer-reviewed by order its editor, David Horrobin. Horowitz's paper passed three reviewers communicating with Horrobin and Horowitz, and the final publication acknowledges Horrobin for contributing to the paper's extensive review process and editing.

Today, on Wikipedia, Horrobin, like Horowitz, is character assassinated by
the CIA/FBI cabal because of his support for natural medicines.

In January, 2010, Horowitz published an expose on Reed-Elsevier-- now the world's leading science publishing house--in Medical Veritas. He noted the mega-company was purchased by ChoicePoint--an intelligence gathering conglomerate--in 2008 for $3.6 billion in cash. ChoicePoint is best known for its administration of corrupted records used to certify Past-President George Bush's contested 2000 election."

Aquino, Gunderson, Rivera and Satanic Pedophilia

In two bestselling books, Emerging Viruses: AIDS & Ebola--Nature, Accident or Intentional?, and Healing Codes for the Biological Apocalypse, Horowitz linked AIDS virus engineers working with Dr. Robert Gallo and Peter Duesberg to Litton Bionetics. Related experiments were conducted at the Presidio military labs in San Francisco. Here, Michael Aquino stewarded MKULTRA, the propaganda operation providing cover for MKNAOMI--America's top-secret biological weapons program.

Most suspect, Gallo is credited for "co-discovering the AIDS virus," and for posting bail money to get convicted pedophile, Nobel Prize winner, Carlton Gadjusek, out of prison.

Aquino's whitewashed history, including his work at the Presidio related to Bionetics' biological weapons experiments, features numerous court actions for pedophilia and child trafficking, which he and Gunderson superficially debated on national television.

By appearing on television, as the leading experts representing both sides of the pedophilia and missing children issue, Aquino and Gunderson were elevated to celebrity status. Thus, they are perceived as exclusively representing the debate, and their superficial coverage satisfies the media's commission to cover the matter of missing children and satanic pedophilia.

In this YouTube clip, "Geraldo Rivera" misses Gunderson contradicting himself, stating he isn't, then is, aware of a satanic network operating in America responsible for missing and molested children. The segment demonstrates how superficial television programming is, yet extremely effective in administering the PSYOPS--Hegelian dialectic--resulting in confusion, emotional distress, and frustration in not being able to resolve the ongoing crimes against children and our society.

Horowitz evidenced in
Emerging Viruses: AIDS & Ebola--Nature, Accident or Intentional?, Geraldo Rivera's first national report examined child abuse at the Willowbrook State School for mentally retarded children on Staten Island, NY, allegedly resulting in the school's closure in 1976.

That Geraldo "child abuse" story, like the one featuring Aquino and Gunderson, grossly neglected coverage of the Army's MKULTRA/MKNAOMI bioweapons experiments involving these Willowbrook children, with Aquino at the helm of military propaganda and mass persuasion regarding new weapons of war, and the Army's experimental hepatitis B vaccination linked to AIDS's origin,

This gross criminal negligence and military indictment, Horowitz wrote in Medical Hypothesis, adds to Litton's retrovirus-contaminated chimpanzees and Merck's infected hepatitis B vaccines, as mounting evidence for HIV/AIDS's emergence among Willowbrook's children, gay men in New York's Greenwich Village, and central Africans, that same year.

Relating HIV and the "War on AIDS" to COINTELPRO,
Michael Aquino is credited for the post-Vietnam War transformation of American military intelligence, advancing PSYOPs (i.e., psychological operations) for enhanced population management. HIV-AIDS is currently overseen by the CIA due to its economic and "national security" implications, according to the (April 30, 2000) Washington Post.

Aquino successfully argued to Pentagon officials that winning wars [including the pharmaceutical industry's alleged "War on AIDS"] requires PSYOPs. Psychological operations are fundamental to population persuasion in advance of deploying electromagnetic, pharmaceutical, and biological weapons of mass destruction, Aquino and company argued.

Aquino's Church of Set, and several of the suspects named herein, have a lengthy history of psychopathic/sociopathic indicators. Church of Set ideologies, satanic sacrifices, murders, self-loathing, cross-dressing, child kidnapping. child trafficking, and sexual perversions, especially pedophila, are linked by numerous internet articles to Aquino, Gunderson, their higher ups in the Bush-Cheney directed CIA.

Thus, it is not surprising that pedophilia has spilled over into Wikipedia, as reported to the FBI earlier this year.

Highly disturbing new evidence involves the "Lifetouch Company"--the largest publisher of school yearbooks in America. Their publications contain photos of most American children, a virtual menu for pedophiles and child traffickers.  LifeTouch is partnered with Target stores, that provides the CIA/FBI with their CSI national forensics lab. Data on missing and murdered children reported to law enforcement is reportedly administered by Target company "volunteers." Consequently, all reports and photos of missing children are funneled through CIA/FBI sections with which Aquino/Gunderson are acquainted, if not actively engaged.

How the COINTELPRO Agents Begin

Pure demonic ironic genius! The Illuminati's New World Order conspiracy is attributed mostly to Roman Catholics, Jesuits, and Zionist/Jews, because the CIA/FBI COINTELPRO satanic co-conspirators derive much support from wealthy members in these groups! Thus, their condemnations are superficial decoys to law enforcers and concerned parents.

This best explains how and why nearly 500,000 American children disappear annually without any major media coverage, or justice department remedy.

In other words, more children go missing than those dying of heart diseases annually in the United States, and this occurs by way of these agents administering this particular PSYOPS!

All we are getting are reports amounting to "controlled opposition."

The media's coverage, is just that--the cover for the operations of satanic networks and child traffickers.

In the same satanic spirit, these agent-provocateurs create and degrade each other's reputations or "covers."

They begin by cross-promoting each other to establish themselves in the targeted communities. They co-create each other's reputations and influence through mutual admiration, and myriad interviews relaying their disinformation.

Then, after the agents are moderately accepted by their target audience, they work to provoke controversy over conspiracy theories. They relay partial truths, and partially discredit each other. This is done to confuse and discourage people by increasing discord and disorganization within each social group or activist movement.

Although these agents ultimately work for multi-national corporate sponsors, they all condemn BigPharma, "crisis capitalism," various governments, and CIA/FBI/MI6/Mosad etc.

This "controlled opposition" is best observed with Gunderson's superficial and conflicting testimony regarding satanic networks, child trafficking, and sex slavery on FOX.

Gunderson stated that far more than 100,000 American children that go missing annually due to satanic cults that use, "torture, hypnosis, and drugs" to victimize children and families, Gunderson testified during a radio interview with Don Nicoloff, suspected in the murder of  editor/journalist/whistleblower Don Harkins, "Well, ahh, (chuckle) I don't think anybody can stop it. . . ." 

COINTELPRO Related Murders of Don Harkins and Edward Harle/Christopher Story

In 2009, Harkins, editor of the Idaho Observer editor, was murdered using lethal radiation, according to his wife. According to more recently murdered journalist Edward Harle (pen name Christopher Story) Harkins was murdered by Don Nicoloff, among Harkins's writers and "close friends" with "Dr. True Ott" and Greg Szymanski. Both are among a handful of Szymanski-Phelps-Fulford promoters skilled in the art and science of psychotronic warfare--deception.

Harkins published a number of articles critical of the drug industry, Bush-Cheney and the CIA, joining Harkins's wife, Ingri Cassel, and Horowitz, at the forefront of exposing vaccination risks from intentional contaminations causing biochemical intoxications foreshadowing a massive military-medical depopulation of humanity.

Harkins's "close friends" included agents within this group of COINTELPRO operatives. Besides Nicoloff, "Dr. True Ott," Timothy Patrick White, Greg Szymanski, and other suspects, allied more or less with Ted Gunderson, Michael Aquino, and/or Eric Jon Phelps, were considered Harkins's "friends" or acquaintances.

The murders go unresolved because
the federal agencies are involved at their highest levels, discouraging honest investigations.
the multiple suspects who appear to hate each other, but in reality work together, make investigation difficult.

Here, for example, Phelps (or his aid) smears Gunderson under the aliases, "Brother Eric," and "Jeff Dahlstrom." This link appears to have sourced from Phelps himself, or further evidences his influence over the Wiki Company page in which Gunderson is disparaged. This personal note reads:
"(Eric Jon Phelps:
Gunderson promoting Alex Jones and faked Fatima miracle) [25]". This makes it appear the suspects dislike each other.

Edward Harle, pen name Christopher Story, was killed July 14, 2010, according to reports. This followed Harle's correct prediction of his assassination at the hands of: a) Benjamin Fulford, a COINTELPRO operative closely connected to his Canadian/American counterparts--Phelps, White, and Szymanski; and b) the "
CIA/MI6/Obama/Bush/Cheney" gang that includes all of the aforementioned agents, most likely.

Harle published Fulford's threat, and harshly criticized David Rockefeller, exposing his most profitable criminal practices. Fulford published his family's ties to the Rockefeller family, occult theology, and before Harle's murder, his contempt for Harle.

Harle worked for the British Monarchy (or MI6), according to evidence, but like Fulford, Szymanski, Phelps and other COINTELPRO operatives (e.g., Timothy Patrick White and "Dr. True Ott"), he  blamed wealthy Jesuits and Zionist/Jews for the world's problems.

It should be noted that this is a relatively small number of personnel that are carrying out a highly-effective global COINTELPRO. At the time of this writing, these agents in the US, Canada, and Japan, have initiated a smear campaign against these authors, Sherri Kane and Dr. Leonard Horowitz, issuing from France

In this way, using these methods and murders, this small group of people
discourage thousands of political activists and their organizations.

WHO & Wikipedia Pestilence

Revelations about Harkins's murder came after Horowitz and Kane discovered a plot to assassinate Horowitz, advanced by the aforementioned agent-provocateurs.

Dr. Horowitz was the first researcher, worldwide, to indict the David Rockefeller-directed, CIA-linked, PHARMA-media promoted, World Health Organization (WHO) for administering the H1N1 fraud of 2009. The swine flu fright and faked "pandemic" was linked to PHARMA-WHO manufactured H1N1s. The "pandemic" was promoted to sell vaccines and drugs, and also "seed" humanity with the genetically-unstable H1N1 that would easily combine with H5N1, producing a far more deadly flu now threatening. The CIA/FBI PSYOPs, in effect, has prepared people for this year's anticipated H1N1-H5N1 pandemic and vaccination campaign.

The WHO dictates policies and procedures to public health officials worldwide. From its inception, the World Health Organization (WHO), like the CIA, was developed and financed by foundations controlled by
Rockefeller-Rothschild financial institutions, including the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation, and Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center.

These organizations are financially tied to the Wiki-companies. Thus, the Wiki-entities are obliged to publish or censor information for their COINTELPRO handlers.

In March 2008, the Wikimedia Foundation received its "largest donation to date"--$3 million from the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation.

The Sloan Foundation largely sourced the cancer industry, the medical-pharmaceutical paradigm, and along with the Rockefeller and Carnegie Foundations, the way we think about nearly everything.

Sloan-Rockefeller co-investments in "BigPharma," and the "PharmaMedia," are massive. These special interests advancing covert operations best account for the ongoing discrediting and murdering of whistle-blowers worldwide, especially those critical of drugs and vaccines now expected to kill billions and make trillions of dollars for leading industrialists worried about over-population.

To provide cover for advancing petrochemical-pharmaceutical population reduction, people are made to think that government and private "non-profit" agencies are reliable, when, in fact, they are lethal!

The American Red Double-Cross

Years ago Dr. Horowitz wrote that the CIA-linked WHO is dangerous and involved in the creation and transmission of HIV/AIDS. He explained that the WHO, and the blood industry, serves mainly the Illuminati through David Rockefeller's influence. 

The "American Red Double-cross" was involved in the transmission of HIV/AIDS, hepatitis A, B and C, herpes viruses, cancer viruses, and more through contaminated blood supplies. These, plus vaccine transmissions of viruses, and immune-system-weakening chemicals and heavy metals, produced the modern plagues including cancers, autoimmune diseases, and mental conditions affecting children and the elderly, such as autism and Alzheimer's, respectively.

The "global health" agenda, Horowitz and others contended, is genocidally-administered by the Rothschild-Rockefeller league of financial institutions. These include Goldman Sachs and JPMorgan Chase. They are joined by lesser eugenicists/blood-banking industrialists. Policies and programs are administered mainly by corporate attornies/intelligence agents that conduct a wide array of COINTELPRO operations. These are all aimed to achieve the objectives of MKULTRA--mass mind control--to get away with MKNAOMI--biochemical warfare against We the People.

Early Occult History of "Modern Medicine"

The satanic elements of this busted CIA/FBI COINTELPRO reflect a long history of occult practices within institutionalized medicine and "public health."

For instance, as eugenics (
"racial hygiene") advanced along with genetics, beginning in the early 1900s at Rockefeller University, Laurence S. Rockefeller, the director of the Community Blood Council of Greater New York, advanced the American Red Cross and the international blood banking industry. John D. Rockefeller originally funded Clara Barton, who pioneered the Red Cross, and branded the organization with the Templar/Maltese Knights symbol--the Rose Croix. The Rockefellers also funded Nazi eugenics at the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute under the swastika, another occult symbol. Laurence Rockefeller presided over the Rockefeller Brothers Fund, chaired the board of the Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, and was a trustee for the Sloan Foundation.  The Sloan Cancer logo, a thrice broken arrow, depicts the bow and broken arrow of Sagittarius. This symbolizes war, male power, swiftness of disease, and death.

Thus, the Wikipedia Foundation's funding from Sloan accents a long history of occult, satanic, and genocidal Rockefeller "philanthropic" investments in blood, drugs, media, mind-control, and murder.  The wealthiest foundations are largely financed by drug sales. Petrochemical-pharmaceutical depopulation is administered by increasing contamination of people and blood supplies, altering genetics; chemically poisoning foods and water, and polluting environments.

Disasters, wars, and outbreaks are good for "crisis capitalists." The Goldman-Sachs/Halliburton/Transocean/BP Deepwater Oil Rig explosion, and its increasing devastation in the Gulf, is another example of multi-billion dollar crisis capitalism. (See:

The 9-11 "terrorist" attacks were, likewise, motivated and orchestrated by crisis capitalists directing intelligence and justice department officials.

More Wiki-Red Cross Deception

In recent years, Wikipedia's dark-editors altered descriptions of the Knights Hospitaller. They falsely claimed the Knights Hospitaller and Knights of Malta are one-and-the-same. The false proclamations were issued by the CIA/FBI operatives Szymanski, "Dr. True Ott," and Phelps, to discredit Horowitz and the Hospitaller organization that is allied with the World Organization for Natural Medicine (WONM). Both are advancing free natural healing clinics worldwide.

The Sovereign Orthodox Order of Knights Hospitaller of St. John of Jerusalem, and the WONM, responded to the corrupt WHO-pharmaceutical industry alliance that has been systematically destroying the natural healing arts, sciences, and industries. PHARMA-WHO influenced legislation has increasingly restricted health freedoms and consumer access to alternative medicines and renegade practitioners. Horowitz, an ambassador for the WONM, and the Knights Hospitaller, has helped defend against this onslaught most vigorously. This is why the COINTELPRO targets Horowitz and these organizations.

Contrary to Wikipedia's disinformation, and the COINTELPRO agents named above, an official record proves the Knights Hospitaller has zero to do with the Vatican or the Knights of Malta. Its irrevocable Russian charter says this, and demands this.

The entire Hospitaller organization, in fact, is currently under legal attack by the Knights of Malta. This is why the CIA/FBI agent provocateurs point the fingers at the Knights of Malta and the Hospitallers, to confuse the issues.. As the Wiki-propagandists attack Horowitz and the Hospitallers, falsely claiming their control by the Knights of Malta, they serve the Illuminati's BigPharma, advancing a lawsuit and COINTELPRO against the natural healing Hospitallers.

The Countess Nicholas Bobrinskoy, Grand Chancellor of the Knights Hospitaller, wrote that the "SMOM is suing us for allegedly 'stealing their name' and using THEIR symbols. NONE OF IT IS TRUE. We have always stated that we descend from the Order of Emperor Paul I, established in 1798. We hold a STATE decree, not a Vatican decree. As for using similar cross symbols, the "Maltese" cross existed long before the Roman Catholics adopted it, and is used as jewelry and more. . . . What they are doing is simply a power play that the Hospitallers will win on merits."

The LOVE CODE to Remedy this Insanity

Wikipedia tells you wonderful things about the Knights of Malta in their listing, "Ancient and Mystical Order Rosae Crucis." The Rosicrucians say, "the cross represents the human body and the rose represents the individual's unfolding consciousness."[5] 

Unfolding "consciousness," and the Opus Dei/Vatican's suppression of the real da Vinci code, are subjects studied by Horowitz who published LOVE The Real da Vinci CODE, including the music suppressed by religious leaders and secret societies for thousands of years.

COINTELPRO obviously acts to extend this ignorance and spiritual suppression, whereas Horowitz's revelations about 528Hz frequency, mathematically proven to vibrate at the heart of everything, even explaining why grass is green and energetically healing, is paradigm shifting, and optimally freeing as it simply explains how consciousness, and everything in the physical universe, is spiritually/energetically/mathematically/musically administered.
This knowledge, the "key to the House of David," heralds a "thousand years of world peace," that Church of Satan devotees prefer to neglect and resist.

Summary and Conclusion

This COINTELPRO war of evil against good features spiritual suppression through disinformation. This war on the mass mind enslaves humanity through fear and confusion.

In conclusion, the Wiki companies facilitate COINTELPRO operations by generating a highly biased free-for-all of confusing and discrediting propaganda. This "Hegelian dialectic" manipulation method generates mass confusion by mixing polar opposites; truths versus lies. This manner of "mixing-it-all" up leaves truth-seekers overwhelmed, confused, and psycho-socially disabled to discern anything, or choose what's best for self or society.  Thus, the objectives of COINTELPRO are achieved, exclusively benefiting the controllers at the expense of the controlled.

All readers are urged to protest these crimes against humanity, especially for the sake of our children.
Protect children by keeping their faces out of school year books until the current injustices and satanic influences over government and law enforcement cited herein are stopped.

Boycott Wikipedia and the Wiki-Company.  Search the Internet for alternative sources of information.

Post this urgent alert on websites, and mail it to your friends and networks.

Support the 528LOVERevolution(.com).
We obviously need a miracle to get us out of this mess; and the miracle is broadcasting all around us in 528.

Pray that the Illuminati lays down their weapons of mass destruction and media deception, in honor of the 528LOVERevolution; to let humanity evolve spiritually.

And while you are praying with faith and love in your heart for expanded consciousness and wiser stewardship of our natural resources, including We The People, add these authors to your prayer list so that we can continue to advance journalistic freedom, technological innovations, and spiritual evolution to
fulfill a healthier, happier, and more peaceful and prospering destiny.



Sherri Kane, previously a news writer for FOX News in Los Angeles, is a freelance investigative journalist and Co-Founder, with Dr. Leonard G. Horowitz, of Healthy World Organization (HWO) currently advancing as an alternative to the duplicitous World Health Organization (WHO). To request interviews e-mail:

To read Benjamin Fulford's "letter of apology" to Dr. Horowitz, and Sherri Kane's revealing commentary on Fulford's fraud, CLICK HERE.


If you are wondering how and why Horowitz and Kane bravely expose these very evil people, they advance the Creator's messages, and herald the 528LOVERevolution. This symbol, "The Perfect Circle of Sound," is fundamental to the paradigm shift to LOVE. This symbol is their calling card. . . .

(Consider Victor Showell's mathematical analysis of pi and Phi, proving 528 is fundamental everything, including the days in the year, the feet in a mile, and the construction of the universe.)

This scientific proof (by Showell) means the Illuminati, engaged in satanic sexuality and criminality, SHALL LOSE EVERYTHING TO LOVE as more and more people learn about the power of 528/LOVE to heal, sustain, design, technologically advance, and spiritually uplift civilization for enduring peace and prosperity in all ways.

This is the main reason human demons target Horowitz and Kane. Their persecutions demonstrate how STUPID the Illuminati is for resisting the shifting paradigm, and attacking simple/humble messengers of LOVE.

By the way, if you start to hear that Horowitz and Kane are involved in drug trafficking, sexua| perversions, other satanic activity, or start getting e-mails to this affect, send thank you e-mails to Timothy Patrick White, True Ott, and Greg Szymanski. They appear to have hired a spammer in France to distribute their lies. CLICK HERE to read ongoing threats received on Sherri Kane's blog.


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