Help needed asap-Gallbladder Attack!!! by #91386 ..... Liver Flush Support Forum
Date: 8/31/2010 11:18:54 PM ( 15 y ago)
Hits: 3,372
Help!!! Saturday night/Sunday morning I had a gallbladder attack...but being me waited allnight before waking my husband to take me to the emergency room- I left there after 2 hours, some synthetic type of morphine and a prescrip for vicodan. 3 hours later I was taking 2 vicodan which worked. I've had pain ever since. Today is Wednesday (12:15am) I took 2 vicodan tonight to sleep but the pain is too much??? I had only brown rice to eat today! Apple juice and apple cider vinegar. Right now I am sitting in a heating pad and in a lot of pain- I've read not to do a Liver Flush until you are pain I feel very stuck right now- I'm sure because of where the pain is there is a stuck stone (I had an attack 2 yrs ago and was diagnosed with stones) and because of the stone being stuck, bile is leaking into my stomach causing me incredible pain! What next?? Please help- and I'm against surgery- I just feel too ill to do a Liver Flush right!?!?! thank you soooo much
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