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Re: So many options, so little time. How to wrap my mind around it all by Johny Apple Bomb ..... Ulcerative Colitis Forum

Date:   8/6/2010 9:07:24 PM ( 15 y ago)
Hits:   3,545

Both Lugols and Miracle-Mineral-Supplement are good at getting rid of UC. Generally you take a low dose of Miracle-Mineral-Supplement and increase to a moderate amount. Like 5 drops twice a day.

Then for the long term. Switch to Lugols mixed in clean water. If you have a 2% solution you work your way up to 20 drops in a glass of water. A 5% Lugols solution should be something like 8 or 10 drops.

If the Lugols works from the beginning without the Miracle-Mineral-Supplement I would just use the Lugols and skip the MMS. Lugols is something your body needs and can be taken long term.

MMS and Lugols shouldn't be taken together.


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