Here is some more info churned up on the apparent death / murder of Christopher Story.
Bear in mind that while I've been aware of Story for a couple years, the stories he dealt in were just too complicated for me to have come to any conclusion on the credibility of what was being reported. In a way I guess this is the kind of stuff to be expected .....comes with the territory when reporting on stuff said to touch the goings on of the world's various spy / counter spy intel / spook agencies. Along the same lines, prior to stumbling onto it today I had never before heard of this Veterans Today / Flyby as a source.
Flyby News published an update, intel report, submitted by Gordon Duff, staff writer for Veterans Today.
August 2, 2010 - Chris Story Update - Free Tarek Mehanna
Subject: murder of Christopher Story....moving forward Received by email from GORDON DUFF
As we have gone a day without any odd emails, I will put out the list.
Michael [former CIA agent] wrote the following on the death:
Very sad news about the murder of Christopher Story on the 14th. I first heard he had been murdered late yesterday, from a source close to the CIA, and his death has been confirmed today in a brief message on the World Reports website. Mode of assassination was poison. I had heard of an attempt to poison Christopher in late June, but I was under the impression it had failed (we weren't that close and he didn't confide in me).
I assume the delay in making the announcement was to try and head off calls for a serious autopsy and an inquest. Sadly a toxic combination of callous coroners and pathetic pathologists makes this country a happy hunting ground for DVD/GO2 (ie German) death squads, as the hopelessly inadequate investigation into Raoul Moat's murder by the police makes clear (by the way I gather he was shot by a handgun, a Glock 9 mm, and his body moved to the scene in an ambulance driven by a police officer, and the 'shouting ' was staged for the benefit of Sky News, who have not been told the poor man was murdered, although they will be).
It is reasonable to assume Christopher Story was onto something new, unless the assassination was revenge for his courageous 2005 exposure of Sir Edward Heath and Roy Jenkins as German spies, or to stop his further reporting on MTN trading or the stolen funds being used to support the euro.
There ought to be an inquest, feeble remedy though that is, and a second pathologist's report, assuming the poor man has not been cremated during the 16 days in which his death was kept quiet. There has yet to be an obituary, sadly.
There won't be a serious police inquiry into his death, unless it is handed over to another force (TVP Special Branch is penetrated by GO2, hence their participation in the Kelly assassination, several officers reported to be involved in the murder of David Kelly, albeit only as accessories, were reportedly involved in the Special Branch monitoring of Christopher, presumably with a view to gathering intelligence to pass over to the German death squad). Clearly TVP are conflicted out, indeed it may be necessary to charge several TVP Special Branch officers as accessories.
There must be a memorial service, does any one know if any one is organising one? Christopher was a great patriot and will be sadly missed.
The grisly work of the German GO2 death squads in Britain must be stopped. At this rate we shall end up like El Salvador in the 80s.
CIA were clearly in a bit of a flap yesterday and no wonder. An assassination as high profile as Christopher's, which was an Act of War by Germany against Her Majesty, justifying general hostilities, must have been approved at a senior level by the German Government. German (ie Biderberg/Trilateral) penetration of the Coalition Government and the Cabinet Office rules out a formal response - as far as the government are concerned British life has no apparent value and hostile states, or piorates, or terrorists, know they can murder our fellow subjects at will.
Intelligence are another matter altogether and whilst it is entirely a matter for them they may follow the effective Israeli tactic of targeted killings, using retired members of the Special Forces. Clearly the assassination of some one as important as Christopher Story FRSA would normally call for the counter assassination of several key figures in say the Federal German Government, the EU or the DVD. Naturally as a lawyer I cannot be involved in decisions of that sort, but I would not be surprised if a warrant were now to be issued for the execution of the DVD Director, assuming NSA and GCHQ verify an audit trail to him of the assassination tasking. His first name by the way is Georg, but I cannot say any more than that at this stage. The directing staff at GCHQ mostly report to Germany but as is well-known British Intelligence has successfully penetrated GCHQ and there are ways and means of getting memory sticks out of the building.
Georg is known to have dual nationality and there is reliable reporting that he has on occasion used a US passport, apparently a valid one (ie unlike 'President' Obama's), therefore there are diplomatic considerations, to which Intelligence will no doubt give careful weight.
After this disgraceful murder it would be reasonable to expect an escalation of the Intelligence War between Britain and Germany. British Intelligence can pack a punch, as I suspect a bunch of Pakistanis hoping for a smooth landing may have found out to their cost yesterday, when their Airbus made a less than smooth landing on the approach to Islamabad.
For Eurosceptics an escalation of the Intelligence War to targeted killings of German high value assets may have some interest, as several EU Commissioners are known to be close to the German DVD. If our chaps were to bag a couple of commissioners (of course as a barrster one could not approve), it being a matter for them, Anglo-European relations would undoubtedly be affected, although I suspect in a positive way.
If you know any one who used to be in the SAS do not be too surprised if they suddenly book a European holdiay.
May Christopher Story rest in peace, God Bless him.
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Gordon Duff wrote:
We have had some issues as to direction. The issues are seen as Gaza, 9/11, Af-pak, Israel, Iran...and I suggest several others can be added.
There is an underlying nexus behind these and other issues, including and especially the financial incentives begun in the derivatives market, oil, narcotics and the massive corruption in Afghanistan and Iraq. Much of this money will funnel back into the US political system for the midterm elections further turning the US into a danger to itself and others.
Everyone on this email knows the score. This is not the public. For some time, Veterans Today along with Debbie, has been coordinating research and journalistic efforts, if you excuse the term. We have been making sure the right stories hit and that, when something does hit, a version gets out there that contains the truth for those "who can handle the truth."
Some of us here are ex-military. Many of us have had special operations commands. That we come from different cultures and backgrounds is our strength.
This is my list only. It is going to have to grow to something much larger.
We need a couple of capabilities:
"Round Robin" we need to be able to get hard intel to everyone involved as quickly as possible. Intel is useless if we don't put it to play in a timely manner. Too often some of us are forced to sit on things that could be useful. As we have operational troops from the US, Afghanistan, Pakistan and "other" organizations at risk, opsec will always be a consideration. Mutual Protection. If you don't know how many journalists have had accidents, I am sure we can compile a list. It will be much longer than any of us guess. Sources Between us, we have sources into every intelligence agency and military command in the world. We aren't spies (not anymore, anyway). But we can raise the standards of journalism, producing timely and quality work that will capture the attention of the public. (and put all of us at risk in doing so) There is room for all of our individual issues, our "personal projects." There will be a common enemy, that part will become clear. When Shrimpton wrote about Story, he lacked some of the background on the relationship between Merkel and her handlers in Moscow and, eventually, Tel Aviv. Story always understood debt and entropy. Much was missed also. If we are to succeed, and I believe we have no choice, we must build our lists, a single blind list while many of us control private distribution.
As this sounds a bit like an organization, something all of us shun, I cringe writing it. Anyone opting out, let me know and we will do this immediately.
The world no longer has a reliable news service of any kind. Reuters, AP, UPI and the MSM are useless.
g - - - - - - - -
About: Gordon Duff
Gordon Duff is a Marine Vietnam veteran, grunt and 100% disabled vet. He has been a featured commentator on TV and radio including Al Jazeera and his articles have been carried by news services around the world. He has been a UN Diplomat, defense contractor and is a widely published expert on military and defense issues. His banking experience includes trade and monetary policy roles in over 80 countries. Gordon Duff acts as political and economic advisor to a number of governments in Africa and the Middle East. Gordon Duff is currently working on economic development projects in Pakistan and Afghanistan to counter the effects of poverty and global extremism.