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Re: Johanna "sleeper" gallstone by hanna ..... Liver Flush Support Forum

Date:   9/4/2005 5:56:20 PM ( 20 y ago)
Hits:   2,656

No it has not. As you probably can understand I wonder how much that stuff works. I know people that say they get relief but from what. I remember that there was one person that used GCG for a year and the stone only had shrunk a couple of mm and since he did not dare to flush he ended up doing the surgery.. That is not much considering my stone was 28 mm. On the 3rd US they said it was 24 mm, but I wonder how precise their measurements are. But that is still only 4 mm less in 2 years.
I am symptom free, but not calcified stone free. So far I have done 40 flushes.
I never worried too much about it, especially now I understand how my liver and gallbladder are so clean from all the cholesterol stones and the bile can flow normally. And I also know that may be 90% of the population have gallstones, but they don't even know it.
I don't think we have many people on the forum with calcified gallstones. The only one I follow and of course he follows me is Fernando (Fsboeira), he has many stones but also is doing well, but I don't know if he ever did an US again.
I have written down 2 different opinions in links. One is from Spirit (originator and Webmaster of curezone), he more or less says you can not get a big calcified stone out. So I put the question to Andreas and he says you can it is like people having babies, or like your anus, the ducts can be stretched too. You understand for that reason I always use the ES.
If you never saw their messages I can look it up. I am getting smart at my old age and wrote them down in a notebook.

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