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Re: Flushie comrades! by jiowa ..... Liver Flush Support Forum

Date:   9/3/2005 2:56:54 PM ( 20 y ago)
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I enjoyed reading the previous thread, what demons we all fight eh!
The only way I can do a Colon Cleanse is to not have anyone else in the
house or I start caving and start eating. Eating is such an emotional thing.

Ayurveda says that your digestion is strongest when the sun is the highest
which is around noon time. The advise is to eat your largest meal for lunch.

When the sun goes down your digestive fire (digestive enzymes and acid) called Agni gets low and hence the advise is to eat light at night and the earlier the
better. If one eats late at night or heavy food, then it does not get digested completely and turns into a sticky substance called Ama ( I guess mucus) which Ayurveda says is the major cause of imbalance in the body.

I think our life time bad habits take years to break, time is on our side :O)

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