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I am very sick. Just got blood work back today and need help. by Red20 ..... Ask CureZone Community

Date:   7/27/2010 11:22:47 PM ( 15 y ago)
Hits:   7,758

I was diagnosed with Fibromyalgia/CFS in 2007, but first started suffering in 2002. I had flu-like symptoms for 1 week and was never the same.

I have been throught 15 different Doctors that could not help me.

I finally went to a Fibromyalgia Specialist and she did a number of blood tests.

The one that really concerned her was my Thrombotic Marker Panel. My D-Dimer was high at 1.45 mcg/ml REU. And my Thrombin Antithrombin Complex was of the charts at >60 mcg/L.

My IGG HerpesVirus6 was high at 1:160.

(Epstein Bar Virus) EBNA AB (IGG) was high at 4.79.

C Pneumonia IGG was high at 1:256.

Calcium levels were abnormally high at 10.5 MG/DL.

My Iron Saturation was abnormally high at 51%.

My Vitamin D,25-OH was 62 ng/mL.

My blood pressure is normally low at 110/65.

And my body temperature is normally low at 96 to 97 degrees.

She wants to do some more culture blood tests and then start me on an Antibiotic antiviral drug program.

What would any of you experts do?


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