Re: Am I doing it wrong? by MENDOMAID ..... Liver Flush Support Forum
Date: 7/20/2010 1:26:28 PM ( 15 y ago)
Hits: 1,486
When I went on the gf diet I noticed a differance - I just felt better - within a few days. It has taken much longer to improve the other problems - the joint swelling began to subside within weeks. The intestinal microbial imbalances are causing me much less discomfort after 4 years of improving digestive function, taking digestive enzymes and probiotics, using herbs for Candida, doing Liver Flushes and other cleanses and detox methods. Anxiety and mood problems have slowly gotten better. Many people see a return to good health within a year or two but I already had developed sprue so it has taken longer to recover. The high risk of developing some types of cancer takes about 5 years to lessen.
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