Re: Supplements by Dr. Lam ..... Ask Dr. Lam: Natural Medicine
Date: 7/19/2010 7:28:08 PM ( 15 y ago)
Hits: 1,716
YOur high level of sensitivity is a serious concern. do make sure your regular doc has clear you of all other possible ailments to start. Read my article OAT Axis Imbalance to start. Let your doc know your concern and ask for a personalized program. Be very careful with ANY supplement, regardless of the source because the problem is not the supplement but your body. Supplements must be matched to the body to be effective, and in people who are sensitive, some trial and error is involved. Often times I have to scale people in , starting with pediatric doses and test the system through a variety of challenges. You can read more about this approach in my Adrenal Crash and Recovery Cycle Paper section on Recovery Management.
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