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Kudo's, Hveragerthi! by infinitelove ..... The Truth in Medicine

Date:   7/12/2010 12:59:57 PM ( 15 y ago)
Hits:   4,983

I received your 5 formulas:

Custom Sinus
New Beginnings for Women
Thyroid Tonic
Adrenal Tonic

..early May and can see a viable improvement in many areas:

-Mood stabilization
-Phenomenal sleep..I hit the pillow and in 5 minutes, I AM ASLEEP!
-Anxiety is not only manageable, but non-existant
-Phantom aches and pains GONE
-Skin tone is remarkably improved
-No arthritic joints - NONE (I'm 57)
-Improved recoup time if body is injured (exercise/damage)
-MUCH, MUCH greater sex drive! I thought I would NEVER regain my libido ;D

This is not exaggeration. If anything, I'm known to underplay results.

The only remaining situations are to improve blurry eyesight and continue to increase acidity of the stomach and improve the digestion.

Thank you, Hveragerthi/ have succeeded where many others' advice fell short. XOX


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