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Hives on Round 3? by maya1005 ..... Ask Humaworm: Parasites

Date:   7/6/2010 7:12:20 PM ( 15 y ago)
Hits:   1,334

Hi RG,

Hope this finds you well!

I'm now on Round 3 of Humaworm - wanted to cleanse 3 times in the first year.

Last round, I broke out in cold sores on my lip and you said HW was rooting out some deep viruses and the cold sore breakout was the result. I took oregano oil and it went away.

I'm now on Day 9, and this morning, I woke up with the niggly feeling that I'm about to get hives. The initial spots always appear on the joint areas first (elbows, knees, wrists) and I found a couple of spots this morning accompanied with the very familiar and very much dreaded itchy sensation with them. Only hives itch this way for me - I know, cos I've had them occasionally since I was small. Like once or twice a year, or every couple of years. They were full-blown episodes needing injections, otherwise I wouldn't even be able to write cos my fingers were so swollen. Once, when I was in university (right around exam period!), it spread to my face, and the classmates who came to visit me could hardly recognise me. I needed daily injections to get through my exams that year. :(

Just in case this is happening again, I want to know whether it could be related to Humaworm. I know I'm overdue for a breakout (it's been 3 years since the last episode), but I would be happy to tolerate it if it was a result of something nasty dying inside me.

What CAUSES hives? Is it bacteria/virus or parasites? Or is it just that my liver is overloaded (but I've been a good girl these few months!) and my skin is jumping out to help?

IF I do break out, then aside from continuing with HW and Hu-mana-tea, and possibly applying RG's cream on the spots, which will turn into splotches of red swells (shudder!), what else can I do? It's obviously no help that HK is extremely hot (33 degrees Celcius) and humid (over 90%) at this time.

Thanks as usual!



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