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Re: Hashimoto's hypothyroidism by interart ..... Hypothyroid & Wilson’s Disease

Date:   8/17/2003 11:32:31 AM ( 22 y ago)
Hits:   1,562

I was diagnosed with Hashimotos two years ago and have been to see about 5 doctors, all which say the same. They all just say to put you on levythroxine for the rest of your life, but they don't have anyway of actually curing the disease which is a cause of the immune system. My TSH averaged about 8.5 although all my hormone levels, T3 and T4 were always completely normal. My symptoms were/are dry hair and skin, and at times brain fog. I read an article from the London School of Medicine that taking Selenium, around 100mg/day significantly brought down the antibodies (my antibodies were about 1000 at last testing). I tried this for one month and the antibodies decreased to about 800 after l month but then seemed to stabilize. I finally started taking the levythroxine about 2 months ago, a low dosage of .25mg/day, which probably doesn't do anything to help me, but I am still opposed to taking this medicine. If you or anyone hears anything about alternative sources of actually lowering the antibodies, which is the cause of the thyroid problem, I would appreciate knowing this. S.

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