Re: dangers of vit d supplements explained. by chrisb1 ..... News Forum
Date: 6/12/2010 2:00:40 AM ( 15 y ago)
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This is called "flogging a dead horse" John.
No one but no one in the field of Vitamin D research takes Trevor Marshall seriously.
After receiving his undergraduate degree Marshall completed a master's degree at the University of Adelaide in 1978, and PhD in 1984 at the University of Western Australia, ALL in ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING.
Marshall suffered from Sarcoidosis (sar-koy-DO-sis) which is meant to be a disease of "unknown cause" that leads to inflammation. It affects various organs in the body.
Normally, the immune system will defend the body against foreign or harmful substances: for example, it sends special cells to protect organs that are in danger.
These cells release chemicals that recruit other cells to isolate and destroy the harmful substance. Inflammation occurs during this process. Once the harmful substance is destroyed, the cells and the inflammation go away.
However, in people who have sarcoidosis, the inflammation doesn't go away. Instead, some of the immune system cells cluster to form lumps called granulomas (gran-yu-LO-mas) in various organs in your body.
The established view is that Sarcoidosis has an unknown cause, but Hygienists have established over decades-past that disease has but ONE cause: Toxemia.
Once the body is free from its toxic load of an endogenous and/or exogenous origin via physiological and physical rest, the body becomes a self-regulating, self-repairing, and self-maintaining organism.
Physiological rest corrects and heals a malfunctioning metabolism, strengthens the immune system, and all other work of repair and healing that only the body can perform, given the ideal circumstances of warmth, rest, fresh air, clean water, judicious sunbathing, nutrition, and water-only fasting. The latter of which diverts digestive energy into the main work of the body................cleansing and healing.
If you have ever experienced a broken bone or known someone who has, observe who or what did the healing: the Doctor or the body?
Only the body heals itself.
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