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How I cured myself of hot flashes, night sweats, panic attacks, heart palpitations, waking up frequently at night and general stress. by Rose23 ..... Hot Flashes Forum

Date:   6/9/2010 3:56:23 AM ( 15 y ago)
Hits:   14,836

I am in full blast menopause, I wanted to get rid of hot flashes, night sweats, panic attacks, heart palpitations, waking up frequently at night and the stress it all brings.
I have NO SYMPTOMS anymore. Nothing of the very many medicines and approaches I tried consistently did the job except one thing:

Every morning and/or evening with empty stomach I sit for 5 or 10 minutes in a small basin bucket in cold water with with private parts and anus submerged, my feet are placed on a hot water bottle, dry and cozy warm.

This is important. The feet have to be dry and really warm and stay warm always otherwise it does not work properly.
The stomach has to be empty or almost empty and not digesting a full meal.

Since I do this I have no more hot flashes, no more night sweats or panic attacks, I sleep like a Rose and feel strong and good during the day :-)

The heat of the body is pulled down by cooling off the nether regions.
The nerves in that area that are connected with the whole body are invigorated by the cold.

The feet staying warm keep the body stable and comfortable.

Try it if you like and let me know if it also works for you!
Good luck



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