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Re: Wonderful! here's the info. for anyone to get in touch by chirontherainbowbridge ..... Fasting: Water Only

Date:   5/13/2010 6:46:41 PM ( 15 y ago)
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I think you will find that Natural Hygiene is really THE study worth your time...that's how it happened for me, after tones of reading on curezone, and following this idea and that...lots of research.

In the end, it leads to NH--when it comes to the physical body. And what I've really come to appreciate about the 'system' -though that's not really the right word, is that you get the distinct feeling the Hygienists, and those who discover the incredible benefits of Water Fasting for instance, weren't going to spend their whole life perusing
the health of the body--which is honestly where a lot of curezoners seem to be stuck.

The point is, to get the body to a place of balance, ( and to care for it wisely) and then to have the extra vision that gets freed up (!!) to examine -and share- even more wondrous mysteries and blessings of being alive.

I'm saddened slightly that so many people are 'dead set against' water fasting--and likewise perhaps won't get to see what the NH lifestyle could do for them.



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