Re: Question! by #45777 ..... Liver Flush Support Forum
Date: 5/10/2005 5:55:18 PM ( 20 y ago)
Hits: 962
After taking the olive oil and grapefruit juice mixture around 11 AM, I lay down on my right side for about an hour. I got up and resumed a normal routine that included cooking, doing light housework, working at the computer (I'm self-employed) and walking the dog in the park. I did not eat food or drink any beverages during this time.
Around 4 PM, I drank one serving of the Epsom Salt solution (1 Tablespoon Epsom Salts in 3/4 cup cold water).
One hour later, I took a second dose of the Epsom Salt solution. Around 6 PM, I began to drink liquids beginning with purified water and diluted apple juice.
I began eliminations around 7 PM and finished before bedtime (I go to bed late - usually around midnight).
The next morning, I did a salt water flush.
Hope this helps.
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