Re: New member seeking help please by Iolite ..... Hypothyroid & Wilson’s Disease
Date: 4/29/2010 3:49:00 PM ( 15 y ago)
Hits: 5,351
Do you have a copy of your labs? Doctors are notoriously ignorant about thyroid disorders and usually do not order the proper labs. Even if the TSH is ordered, they often don't realize the new recommended range is .03-3.0. You really need to order the Free T3 and Free T4 along with RT3 if your FT4 is out of range.
is an excellent site to learn about what labs you need to ask for. See if you can get your current doc to order the labs she recommends. Don't forget to get your ferritin tested (should be 70-90) and b12 (upper 800's), both of which can cause fatigue and are not flagged as a problem from most doctors if your levels are "in range".
Janie's site also has a link to help you find a good doc. You probably need to find a new one.
Have you taken your basal temperature? If it is below 97.8F in the morning when you first wake up, then it's highly probable that you've got thyroid problems.
Don't forget to look at the link: "those durn adrenals" because the adrenals are often affected.
Iodine, selenium, tyrosine support the thyroid. Check out the Iodine supplementation board here.
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