RIFE = Riddle ur Innards & Fryem wif Electricity!!
Handheld device attached to a frequency generator that zzzaps your innards & sizzlez to death any parasites lurkin' within ya.
The Zapper: An electrical rockem, sockem, shockem parasite fryin' machine.
Contraption that zaps electrik charges thru ur bodee to toast & roast wurms & germs into crispy critters.
Parasite-killing electrikal gadget sorta like a taser or stun gun but much more expen$ive.
$hockingly-priced $hocking machine that deliverz a $hocking jolt to ur bodee & wallet.
Brainchild elektronik invenchen of Hulda Clark, the zillionaire Queen of Kitchen-Herbs-&-$pices-Parasite-Killin'-&-Kolon-Klensin'-Teknologies.
Elektrik-shock weapon used to track & zap parasites in ur bod-ee; also curls head hair, body hair, nose hair, eyelashes, & toes.
A "stunning" device by Hulda Clark that elektronikly zaps all the currency (money) from ur bank account to hers.
Fancy-pantsy elektrocution machine used as capital punishment for wurmies & germies inside ya.
Rife Zappers & Parasites Zapped - 1990-2000
Rife Unit for 2
Meow Meow ~ ICU (hee hee)
My New Motto: I "think", therefore I am...a thinker.
PS: Didja notice in the Status box of that post the letter "R" (which = Recommended Reading by a forum moderator)? Hmmm...wonder which side of the fence this person sits?
PPS: Here's my R list of Recommended Reading ~ Warning: It's shocking stuff!