first master cleanse... kidney stone by weroflu ..... Master Cleanse Support Forum
Date: 4/25/2010 1:24:50 PM ( 15 y ago)
Hits: 5,216
after 1.5 days on the cleanse i wound up with a kidney stone. extreme pain all night and then in and out of hospital for a week. finally had lithotripsy done. i passed a small fragment about 10 days after the lithotripsy.
6 months later i went on a strict vegetarian diet, ignored my body's desire for meat. i was very weak for a few weeks in bed, then i got a really bad flu, or possibly bronchitis or pneumonia with fever. i was able to cough up sputum from a long standing dry hacking cough. then 4 days into this illness symptoms of kidney stone again... very painful, nausea all over abdomen. this time i decided not to get the lithotripsy. i toughed it out with herbal teas and painkillers and passed a much larger stone this time approx. 6 mm.
kidney stone symptoms continued after passing this stone, so i assumed i still had more stones. i was too weak, so i went back on meat for a bit to rebuild my body.
if the ureter weren't so narrow and these things so painful i would stay on The Master Cleanse for much longer, but these stones are quite scary when it happens.
i wonder should i have not ignored my body and not gone vegetarian, or should i dive further into the vegetarian/master cleanse life.
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