Re: sjw by Hveragerthi ..... The Truth in Medicine
Date: 4/25/2010 3:02:37 AM ( 15 y ago)
Hits: 3,038
So what do you think about St john's wort?
It is a pretty good herb for both serotonin deficiency induced depression and as an antiviral.
I keep umming and arring about whether to continue the Amoryn. I did a search and found a post where you didn't agree that photosensitivity was a problem with normal amounts. The weather is getting nice now and want to get some much needed sun.
The whole photosensitivity thing is based on cows grazing on SJW developing the problem. There is a big difference between taking a gram or so of SJW and consuming kilos at a time.
I find i'm more motivated this week. This is week 3. I wonder if i need the sjw. The Rhodiola that is in this remedy is also supposed to raise serotonin and motivation.
SJW actually works as a selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor, so is is not really raising serotonin levels. It is blocking the reabsorption of serotonin from the synapses. If you want to raise serotonin then I would recommend chamomile, nettle leaf or 5-HTP.
Would i do just as well with an Ashwagandha and Rhodiola mix? i wonder, as Amoryn is quite expensive. I read between them they raise the 4 main neurotransmitters.
Ashwagandha stimulates the GABA receptors, which means it would actually work more like a neurotransmitter inhibitor.
My problem is more anxiety and nervousness and not depression. I'm sleeping quite well now, well falling asleep quicker.
Ashwagandha would be a good choice then, but I would also include nettle leaf.
I read some negative stuff about SJW. Interaction problems, and problem if you need an operation. Also that it actually destroys neurotransmitters.
SJW is contradicted with many medications. But I see this as a problem with the drugs, not the herb. Do the doctors tell us to avoid eating because there are so many interactions between foods and pharmaceutical drugs? Of course not. But we don't see these interactions between foods and herbs. So the problem is not with foods or herbs but with the pharmaceutical drugs.
As for the claim that it can destroy neurotransmitters I don't know where they are coming up with that claim. But studies are frequently manipulate to prove whatever it is that they want to prove.
SJW is combined with the 5HTP so i think the amounts are small in this combo.
Both of these are relatively cheap in health foods stores. Have you checked to see if they would be cheaper to buy individually?
Or better yet I would still recommend the ashwagandha and nettle leaf.
So you did say i can take kava with this mix? That is 5htp;Rhodiola;sjw; and i also take a bit of ashwagandha plus other herbs inc vitex and guta kola, which has cured my bleeds under skin on hands i must say. I'm also planning to take 500mg taurine. Anything i can't take sjw with? I've also read some foods interact with it.
That combination is going to have a lot of sedative effects. The ashwagandha and taurine are neurotransmitter inhibitors, and the kava and SJW relaxing. Although the SJW has an effect on the serotonin, but then you are taking two neurotransmitter inhibitors. I would leave the SJW out of the mix and maybe even the kava, and add the nettle leaf instead.
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