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Re: Hypothyroid/heart/edema by Anja ..... Iodine Supplementation Support by VWT Team

Date:   4/22/2010 8:52:49 AM ( 15 y ago)
Hits:   13,483

thanks a bunch for the info! I would not have even considered this. I'm scared now... but I'll ask Dr. B about it.

I know I had some tests in the hospital last November when I was in for the appendix perforation, one might have been an EKG, I'm not sure, but no one has suggested, including the vascular specialist I saw about my legs, that there might be a heart issue or that I should get more tests. There is certainly a strong family history of heart problems, though it wouldn't surprise me if we're all hypo and that's the reason.

I've never had high BP, and on occasion it's actually been a little too low. This is def. worth looking into, though. I do have cod liver oil in the fridge and I've been forgetting to take it, so I'll start back on that daily for sure.

Dr. B did increase my Naturethroid by an extra 1/2 grain every other day, but maybe that's not enough. Interestingly, and I don't know if this has anything to do with it, but yesterday my libido sort of returned all in a rush at about the level of a 16 year old boy. I was pretty much climbing the walls until my husband got home, and that aspect of myself has been asleep most of the time for a number of years. I actually thought it was just about gone for good. I wondered if it had anything to do with increasing the Naturethroid.

It would be incredible if all these symptoms might actually be reversible if it's just a matter of getting the thyroid under better control. Yesterday I made it through a long day with the compression socks on, but legs were aching by the evening. I see a lot of blue on the bottoms of my feet, it pools there I guess. I wish I could quit my job, but at this point I don't have a lot of options.

I'm still overwhelmed by Uny's protocol, I'm sort of not good with absolutes, and I have to say I think some of it is just too harsh for me. My gut is finally flattening out, and I have a ton less gas and abdominal pain since getting off the Schulze bowel products and backing off on the cayenne. AND I'm taking probiotics, which they recommend against. I'm much more regular, now, no pain, my appendix area feels better, and things are almost "normal" for the first time in many years. I still don't believe in the "one cure cures all" concept, though clearly many people get better on that protocol, and I'm sure there are parts of it that would really help me, which I'll probably do one of these days. I wonder sometimes how much of the improvements people get on it are because of what they stop doing vs. what they start doing, but there's no way to really know for sure, and you don't hear about the failures, only the success stories.

Well, time for breakfast and some cod liver oil! Thanks again so much for the input.

I'm tempted to just play with the Naturethroid dose myself, but I think I'd better talk to him first. You mentioned taking less of some of the supps - are you referring to any in particular? I've always been skeptical about vitamins, but I usually do better on them than off them. And being dependent on weekly vitamin cocktail IVs with extra mag is ridiculous, I've got to find a better alternative to that for sure.

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