Re: Master Cleanse, weight lost by joyone ..... Master Cleanse Support Forum
Date: 4/21/2010 8:15:01 AM ( 15 y ago)
Hits: 5,567
Hi there,
Sorry to hear about your breasts! :) There is a great site - - that has a fabulous breast cream and they recommend a few exercises. The combination of both will not only get your breasts back to where they were, now you will have the tools to keep them that way forever!
Also, in the book The Complete Book of Essenial Oils and Aromatherapy they have some creams you can make yourself, although for me Venus Naturals cream works best. I think this book is also where I learned to - don't laugh - dip my breasts in ice water, then hot water, then ice water for several minutes. It really firms them up. This is how I do it: place a bowl of ice water and two bowls of hot water on either side on the floor. Fill them up enough to cover the breast but not to spill over when you dip them. So, if you can imagine a line of three bowls - hot, ice, hot. Then get on your hands and knees (I said no laughing! :) and dip down so your left breast is in the hot water on the left and your right breast is in the ice water. After about 60 seconds, slide over so your left breast is now sitting in the ice water and your right breast is in the hot water. Keep switching off and voila - gorgeous firm breasts! :)
I just turned 40 and have to say mine are fabulous - and I have the above routine to thank for it! Good luck!
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