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Relief has arrived but still a ways to go. by catfish369 ..... Ask Humaworm: Parasites

Date:   4/19/2010 9:08:02 PM ( 15 y ago)
Hits:   2,370

Middle of week 3 and radical itching and extreme fatigue has finally subsided. Mental fog clearing up too. I've tried for months to jump start my brain but to no avail. I am back in school and found my normally scary memory bank barely able to recall the simplest things. Thanks to Humaworm I am finally able to think clearly. The herbs help to drain the nasal cavity which must be the reason behind the lifting of fog.

Thanks again to the folks at Humaworm. There is light at the end of a thing long tunnel. Can't wait to begin the colon cleanse. I need something to help my distended stomach flatten.

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