Re: My two cents on Doctors by olivia311 ..... Liver Flush Support Forum
Date: 4/4/2005 10:16:26 PM ( 20 y ago)
Hits: 1,623
I've been a regular reader of this forum and several others for a few months, and while I love the useful information and supportive atmosphere, I think people are much too harsh on our Western medicine practicianers. Both of my sisters have studied and trained to become MDs (one OB/GYN and one Emergency Medicine) and neither of them fits the profile that seems to be applied across the board to doctors on this website. They both entered the medical profession out of a sheer desire to help people. They have gone through years of difficult study and work, and they both continue to work much more difficult and longer hours than the majority of the population. Sure they make more money than the average Joe, but wouldn't you expect to make quite a bit of money after 4 years of post bachelor education, another 4 years of resident training, and working 60 hour weeks. Neither of them has ever treated a patient with their own finacial concerns as a priority. Think about it...can you really believe that there are that many evil intentioned people in this world?
That being said I understand everyone's frustration with western medicine. I have had many of my own. It is most definitely a limited field. However, I also understand that MDs in this country are educated under the system of western medicine, that is what they know, that is what they are familiar with, that is what they are experts in and that is all they ever claim to be. While they may advise against it based on their knowledge, you are always able to seek alternatives. Some of them have opened themselves up and educated themselves on alternative options, but many of them hardly have enough time to keep up on new western medicine treatments to be able expand into other options. I would think many G/I doctors are reluctant to recommend a Liver Flush because they are uneducated about it and are very wary of recommending or condoning anything without any prior knowledge. Would you really want someone in the role of expert to recommend something they are totally uneducated about, especially if a seemingly very likely result was the painful condition of a gallbladder attack? Think about it from their perspective for a moment. Remember the medical malpractice situation we currently have in this country. In many ways our doctor's hands are tied. I think they best thing to do would be to do as one poster suggested and go back for another ultra sound, and inform the doctor that the progress that was made was through liver flushes. This would probably pique their interest greatly and maybe they would then take the time to educate themselves. The same could be said for anyone who has had sucess with reducing cholestorol through LF's. Sure some doctors will remain skeptical, and then they can be labeled as closed minded, but I wouldn't jump all over someone because they aren't educated about something they never trained in.
I am not totally naive. I do believe there are numerous black hearted people out there that profit off of other peoples sickness. Unfortunately, I believe that a lot of these people are in positions of power in hospitals, drug companies and HMOs. But please spare some benefit of the doubt for the specific human beings you come into contact with, including your doctors. Don't we all deserve at least that?
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