Couple Questions... by imaxfli ..... Candida & Dysbiosis Forum
Date: 4/13/2010 8:55:35 PM ( 15 y ago)
Hits: 8,825
#1)Do you have Digestion Problems??(get symptoms-bad stomache, start to sweat, etc etc after you eat). #2) How do you think you came down with this?(anti-biotics??)............if I were you I would eliminate Sugar and simple carbs from your diet...drink lots of filtered water and take fiber once a day.....if bad Digestion problems I would do a 3 day VCO Fast(VCO, Lemonade/rock salt, yogurt)...followed by 3-4 bottles of LuiqDaily Oxy Aloe(Pheonix Nutritionals) a month I predict you would feel a hell of a lot better. Have you ever taken your urine/saliva pH?? If over-acidic I would try Moreless:pH Alkalizing baths/ drink...
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