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Re: Questions about Humaworm/Humatea by humaworm ..... Ask Humaworm: Parasites

Date:   4/12/2010 5:57:47 PM ( 15 y ago)
Hits:   1,730

The tea can help bind to and remove toxins - making the die-off easier. A person can go at a slower pace - but only if it is ABSOLUTELY necessary as parasites can and do become resistant to the very things that will kill them - much the same way staph has become resistant to modern anti-biotics.

The more infected a person is - the more die-off they will have - especially during their very first cleanse.

The cleanser a person is - the less die-off they will have.

I have had very very ill customers who after 3-4 HUMAWORM parasite cleanses get clean - and when they do - they will not have much die-off at all.

That's when we will get the email or the phone call saying "HUMAWORM is not working anymore! I don't feel sick at all when I take it!" Yes - it worked and is working - they are just clean and healthy and have no reason to experience any more die-off.

There is more helpful information on the website
Explains it a bit better.

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