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Re: Tree on the roof by Blue Eyes ..... Dreams Interpreting Forum

Date:   4/10/2010 7:04:20 PM ( 15 y ago)
Hits:   2,822

The tree would refer to some form of knowledge. The evergreen in particular can suggest knowledge pertaining to everlasting life (because it always remains green unlike the deciduous type of tree). The evergreen has also come to symbolize Christmas and could thus relate also with the idea of Christianity. The tree on the roof can imply that you can see the idea of ‘hitting the roof’ – being very angry – regarding some knowledge.

The two views of the evergreen trees would refer to using two different perspectives regarding a form of knowledge. When the knowledge is seen from a perspective that is not ‘up front’ (as when in the back yard) you can see two trees. This implies that when the perspective is not ‘up front’ – not legitimate, honest or truthful – you could have a negative idea regarding the knowledge being referred to. Note the two trees are seen only after you see the tree on the roof, that is, after ‘hitting the roof’ about the knowledge. However, when seen from a perspective that is ‘up front’ or legitimate in relation to the mental attitude in which you would feel at home or comfortable, only one image of a tree is seen (as the tree on the roof covers the image of the tree in the back yard.) This means that from a legitimate perspective the tree can be seen to represent a positive, good or desirable form of knowledge.

The window in this scene is one used to look into a house while you are outside. This implies that an idea that seems quite important (a large window) here is to look into a mental attitude or state of mind very realistically. When doing this, you can see an innocent aspect of yourself – one reflecting an idea or way of thinking lacking in knowledge (a child). Another aspect of yourself is addressing or acknowledging the concerns of some innocent and also ignorant thinking. (dressing a child)

The act of putting clothing on a child by pulling the clothing over their head would also seem to be suggesting that where you live with adult knowledge (the adult doing the dressing) you might give this innocence a ‘dressing down’, that is provide some criticism of this innocent and less knowledgeable way of thinking. This would all seem to apply to how you perceive the evergreen tree.


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