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Re: Lemon balm by Hveragerthi ..... The Truth in Medicine

Date:   4/7/2010 3:35:34 AM ( 15 y ago)
Hits:   5,220

 I have a sleep aid 'Mellodyn' ingredients

per 2 caps
Valarian root standardised to 8%valerenic acids 500mg
Chamoille extract
standardised to 2% flavanoids (apigenin) 400mg
Passion flower extract standardised to 4% vitexin 300mg
Lemon balm standardised 2% flavanoids 200mg
Melatonin 3mg

It says if on thyroid meds to consult physician. I'm on Armour. I did some reseach and i think it is the lemon balm that is the problem, it lowers thyroid hormones apparently.

Correct. Lemon balm, also known as Melissa, is a thyroid suppressant. This is one of the herbs used to suppress thyroid in cases of hyperthyroidism. Bugleweed is the other common one, although prunella (heal all) is also known for its ability to suppress the thyroid.

I don't plan to take them every night. Would these be safe for occassional use do you think, or do i try and get a refund. Would it cause a bad reaction?

Because of the high dose of melatonin I would return it. I am not in to melatonin since it is a hormone, and substituting for the body's production of hormones can lead to a decline in the body's ability to generate its own hormones. Melatonin is produced in the body in picograms, which is a thousand times less than a milligram. So when you take 3 milligrams of melatonin you are taking a dose literally thousands of times higher than the body would normally produce itself. I really do not think this is safe.

I've also started on their other product 'Amoryn' which helps raise neurotransmitters like serotonin naturally. This can take upto 8 weeks to notice the affect.

I wake up alot during the night. Doesn't Seratonin convert into melatonin?


Maybe this will help eventually with my sleep anyway.

I also take 'Seredyn' as needed, the third product in their range. They recommend kava or taurate to take with it to get even better relaxation results.
I bought some 500mg ones, all i can get, what do you think about this mix. Seredyn is niacinamide, mag taurinate, passion flower, valarian and l-theanine.

This is good, but in a small percentage of the population valerian actually acts as a stimulant.

In the uk we can't get kava. Does it hurt the liver? what if you have impaired liver in the first place? I would like to get hold of some, maybe from overseas, for occassional use, but not sure if i can take safely.

No, it does not hurt the liver. I addressed this here:


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