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Tinea versicolor by Rocks.68 ..... Candida & Dysbiosis Forum

Date:   3/30/2010 9:59:40 PM ( 15 y ago)
Hits:   3,147

Where do I

Okay, a few weeks ago I had to take Augmenten for a sinus infection....finished the script, 2 days later I got a few rashes (bright red/itchy) that would appear and then magicially disappear....mostly on my upper back/neck....
So, I made an appt to a Dermatologist thinking maybe it was a delayed reaction to the Augmentin...since rash was gone she could not identify it.....but she did diagnose me with tinea versicolor on the side of my neck (lighter color/round)....she said it was yeast, natural on everyone's body but sometimes it gets out of hand. I recall last summer i had 2 of these small, light colored circular rings on my torso....but they faded away. That was the first time I noticed them. Anyways, she also told me the redness on my chest (like upper chest, where a necklace would lay) was yeast to and put the antifungal cream on that as well. For as long as I can remember, I have always been red in the chest area and back of my upper arms. I have also noticed when i do lower carb/eat least processed foods these 'rashes' or whatever clear up a bit. my twenties I had several vag yeast infections, and last year I had one for the first time in years. Also, I have been on Antibiotics (which I know are not good for the good flora) like 3 times the past year!

Any words of advice?
Thinking of doing a strict anti candida diet....

Thanks for reading....

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