Thinks n' thoughts - answers & suggestions :)Re: Questions for onetymxx987 :) Re: Question for unyquity by unyquity ..... Natural Healing & Herbal Solutions w/Unyquity
Date: 3/30/2010 5:51:03 AM ( 15 y ago)
Hits: 2,352
Greetings onetymxx987 -
Okay, I've got the pertinent information here from both your posts. I'll be adding 'thinks & thoughts' throughout, and then listing suggestions, instructions, and 'reading assignments' at the end. I apologize for the delay in response time; after you've read this I'm sure you'll understand why it took so long :) Onward!
Hey unyquity, I have a few questions if you can please help with: I am a 25 year old male and here are my main health problems. I always had poor digestion and it is getting worse and worse.
Earliest memories are: as a child (1st, 2nd grade) I used to get sick often and I remember 4 or 5 times getting very bad stomach illness (food poisoning maybe?) where I couldn't hold anything down, kept throwing up, had to go to doctor. This happened at least once a year until I was in 5th grade. I also remember getting sick (flu like symptoms) alot, eating medicine then throwing up the medicine, etc. I was a very picky eater so my parents would just feed me whatever I wanted (hence the habit of bad dieting)
Unfortunately, I have no idea what kind of vaccines I've had but I assume the usual that all the other students had to do. I am not allergic to particular medicine or anything. My stomach was always sensitive (ever since I remember). For example, if I overeat just a little bit, I would feel very uncomfortable and would have bad indigestion often. Around 11th grade, I felt that my something was not functioning well with my digestive system and I would get random pains in the stomach (not THAT bad of paid but still there) and just general weakening of digestive system. So my parents took me to a doctor who did blood work and checked my stool for parasites(?) and also they stuck a tube down my throat with a camera attached to it to take a look in my stomach (NOT fun!) They said that the tests came back clean and there's nothing really wrong but that I am just "stressed." Ever since then my digestive system progressively got worse and worse. My stomach started to distend and now it is bulging. My stomach always feels like its not fully healthy as if the tracts are narrow.
Also, I've had acne since 7th grade which will not go away. I have very oily skin with the acne. I am skinny and it's hard for me to gain weight. My gut never feels comfortable and I feel like I can't digest anything. I've tried alot of things (homeopathy, chinese medicine) but nothing has helped in the long run.
Absolutely every organ & system of the body work together and depend upon each other for everything - in issues of "digestion & assimilation" we're generally looking at the entire alimentary canal, the liver & pancreas...most specifically: bile from the liver; enzymes from the pancreas; acid from the stomach; beneficial gut-flora (I like the word: microbiota to describe these); peristaltic action (squeezing) and assimilation & elimination throughout the small intestines & colon.
And many times the largest percent of the problem is lack of adequate peristalsis - caused by lack of stomach acid, lack of bile (due to liver congestion), lack of microbiota (due to the chemicals we ingest that kill them and a terrain that is hostile to them) & parasites - which are typically caused by (or can cause) a colon that is filled & impacted with a substantial build-up of thick, rubbery, acidic, toxin-laden putrefying 'mucoid plaque' throughout the intestinal tract.
This mucoid plaque at the base of (and throughout) the alimentary canal (the main tube) causes all kinds of intestinal issues, including swelling/engorging the colon (stretching it 'out of elasticity' & causing diverticuli); providing the perfect feeding/breeding/hiding place for parasites; causing a very inhospitable environment for a good balance of microbiota; producing gas (that travels both up AND down throughout the tubing, causing all kinds of disruptions); covers the villi (tiny hairlike structures) throughout the intestines through which the nutrients are assimilated...and everything we ingest has to soak through this toxic, acidic filth before it's assimilated - hence stressing our liver 24 hours a day.
So, your symptoms definitely seem to match your 'history'. Of course, typical 'teenage acne' is usually fairly hormonal - but that dissipates as the hormone swings settle down. There's many various reasons for adult acne - generally it's just our skin being called into play as an organ of elimination when our other systems are overburdened (particularly our ability to neutralize/eliminate the toxins, which causes the perfect conditions for various pathogens...which can be involved in acne-issues). The antibiotics temporally will remove the 'symptom', but almost always worsen the cause. Did you take Accutane? (not an antibiotic, but typically prescribed) - this drug is very harsh and has a vast array of side-effects, as well.
Adult acne is also a symptom of lack of stomach acid - quickly scan through this for great information on the importance of stomach acid and how it affects your liver & pancreas:
I'm sorry you had to have that horrible test :( I also want you to know that the various 'parasite tests' are extremely unreliable (so it's very likely you'll see some parasites - both intestinal and liver flukes), as you progress with your healing.
Your history is (frustratingly & sadly) all too common to me...any/all vaccines are incredibly toxic to the body, and totally stress/compromise our immune system & liver. It is very common for children of all ages to develop asthma/allergies, low immunity and a myriad of digestive issues immediately following vaccines. Then the constant use of antibiotics (some containing fluoride and other volatile poisons), destroys beneficial microbiota, worsen liver stress, burdens the lymphatic system, compromises/weakens our immune all the other various side-effects each may have.
--bowel movements - color & consistency. You said 2 bms daily - is that consistent?
I go once when I awake then again around dinner time. The one in the morning is consistent but the latter is about every other day. The stool is thin and mushy(lack of a better word..) The color is significant (lighter, clay-like bms indicate liver issues, so be sure to check it out). You are working to have (give or take a 'shade' or two), the color of peanut-butter. For consistency, about the same as soft-serve ice cream or custard-like, semi-formed. It's natural for all animals (humans included) to have a bm upon waking, and one 15-30 minutes after every time we eat...and then again (for some) right before going to bed. So 3-5 bms daily is the goal. Of course, "thin" shapes indicates a colon that's impacted.
I am never hungry in the morning and if I eat breakfast then my stomach feels full for the rest of the day. This is likely caused by a lack of stomach- acid, continuous 'upward pressure' from the build-up of gas, lack of bile flow and lack of peristalsis. I forgot to ask, but you need to know...what is your "transit time"? (Transit time = the time from when you eat something until you see it in the toilet). Corn is the best food to eat to clearly see/measure this. A healthy/natural transit time is around 8 hours...many people that have 1-2 bms daily think they have a great 'transit time', but many times they find it takes a day or two (or longer) for what they ate to make it into the toilet.
Imagine that every time you ate anything for two days, you chewed the food but instead of swallowing, spit it into a jar - tightly capped it, and put it in a very warm dark place. Think of the amount of gas that would produce. The pressure of that gas is very significant with digestive issues (not to mention all that putrefying food, the parasites & candida that love it and breed in it, and what happened when it sits around and is assimilated into the bloodstream).
My usual meals: breakfast: I drink JUVO drink
and an organic apple - a decent breakfast, but you'll want to get away from the JUVO (FAR too many ingredients that are nothing but 'grain fiber' and a few isolated extracts :( But it's good they use so many organics and raw/dehydrated ingredients. (but they use so MANY ingredients that you're not getting a 'healthy dose' of hardly any of them. You'll be much better off with some type of Superfood smoothie (that has less ingredients and much more nutritional value). Apples are fantastic :)
lunch: a sandwich from subway ACK!
dinner: teriyaki chicken rice or rice and raw tuna (sashimi) Probably ACK! (non organic chicken and mercury laden raw tuna?) and non-organic white rice?
I also eat 4-5 chocolate pieces, cookies, etc. but in moderation. If I eat too much sweets, I breakout the next day with big pimples that hurt. Absolutely NO white sugar allowed - zero-nada-zilch. Please read this: Sugar, The Sweet Thief of Life
And no "white" anything else...and that includes breads that look brown, but are only that way because of caramel coloring (and have some crushed whole grains sprinkled on top)...that's Subway bread (and virtually all others that don't have 'stone ground whole wheat' listed as their first ingredient). Besides, mucous forming flour (whole-grain or not) is not something you want to slather into your intestines when trying to heal them and remove mucous. All grains should be 'sprouted' and as whole as possible. Hence Ezekial bread/grain products are your best choice there. Besides, wheat is the last thing you want to be eating when healing the digestive tract (unless it's whole, organic wheat-berries, sprouted and low cooked as a cereal...and maybe not even that).
Remember the very first step in healing is "Stop doing what makes you sick, and start doing what makes you better" - so when not juice-fasting, here's the diet you want to utilize:
--how much water do you drink daily (excluding other beverages) - what kind of water? what other beverages?
I get water delivered monthly (local company) and I drink about 4-5 cups a day. I have to go to the bathroom to urinate often. That still doesn't tell me what kind of water you drink :( Distilled? Reverse Osmosis filtered? Spring/mineral? Filtered tap? Tap? You need to switch to distilled or RO if you're buying something other than those two.
How much water for adequate hydration daily? Take your body weight and divide it by two. The result is the amount of ounces of water you need as a MINIMUM for adequate hydration (example: 150 pound adult divided by 2 = 75, so 75 ounces a day is the minimum). There's 128 ounces in a gallon - Dr. Christopher said all adults should have at least a gallon daily.
SO, you need to intake your water substantially & immediately to the absolute minimum!
Urinating "often"? How many times a day/night is that? It's normal for an adult to urinate at least 8 times during the day. Guess what one of THE most common causes is for excessive urination? DEHYDRATION! When the bladder becomes dehydrated, it basically shrivels up and becomes non-elastic...and every time a tiny bit of urine is deposited, the person needs to urinate. After a 4-7 days of adequate hydration, this will correct itself (but you'll pee like crazy for those 4-7 days).
I always have low energy and no matter how much/little I sleep, I get sleepy during the day alot. I exercise often (an avid basketball player) but I get tired so fast and get leg cramps very easily. I have poor circulation (always cold limbs, dizzy when getting up from sitting down) First, lack of assimilation & fuel (nutrition) - no engine can run properly without enough fuel. First again, dehydration - your body can't work right in any regard if the blood (that's supposed to be the consistency of water) is like thick sludgy syrup and the organs are all "shriveled up". This is one of the likely reasons for your lack of circulation. Dizziness when rising is usually what is know as 'orthostatic hypotension - it's very commonly caused by a weak heart and/or dehydration. Pumping thick/sludgy blood, particularly when exercising, is a HUGE stress on the heart...any idea what your pulse is while on the court?
The solutions - adequate water intake; cayenne to increase circulation and help assist the heart is a must; raw garlic & Hawthorn berry tincture to strengthen the heart (if needed). Depending upon your heart, you might find this weakness/dizziness upon rising goes away with adequate hydration and a month or two on cayenne. (Cayenne is something we all should take every day, just like garlic).
The lack of energy, cold limbs might have something to do with the thyroid, but I suggest dealing with the obvious first.
--what do you think is wrong?
I think because of my poor diet when I was younger and also from being sick so much and taking lots of antibiotics and such, my organs suffered. I've also taken antibiotics for my acne. I feel like my heart is weak and that it doesn't pump out strongly enough to get my body fully functioning (cramps, dizziness, numbness in limbs). I know my digestive system is sluggish again due to poor diet and it can not take in nutrients effectively from the food that I eat. (very easily get indigestion, general uncomfortable feeling in stomach) Furthermore, I just feel like my body is "toxic" so my eyes get tired fast, my legs get tired fast so I constantly feel the need to sit (when at a mall or amusement park) and I know my severely oily face and acne are correlated to my body being toxic.
I agree with you and your 'doctor within' 100%!!! And you CAN heal it all...all you have to do is provide your body with the assistance it needs (and not expect to repair & eliminate 20 years worth of damage & congestion in a month or two). You're likely to see significantly positive changes is as little as 2-3 weeks...but it's VERY important you stick with it long enough to help your body make permanent changes.
I've tried Dr. Schulze's superfood but never felt any difference. Also I've done the IF #2 5 day program twice but did not notice long term benefits. I skipped the IF #1 because I go twice daily but maybe I need to do that next time? It's very rare anyone sees long-term benefits from doing a couple of 5 day cleanses - 30 days is a very strong good start (but it's very common to see all kinds of debris & build-up coming out in the second/third 30 days). Yes, the IF#1 to get the 3 or more bms daily would be a great assistance. Think of the IF#2 like "scrubbing bubbles with suction"...the more times it comes into contact with the build-up (and then 'washed away'), the more times debris is abraded and 'pulled & loosened' from the intestinal wall. So increasing the amount of bms is very beneficial.
--you said nothing you've tried 'helped in the long run' - what has helped in the short run?
I've tried water fasting for 3 days and that gets rid of my acne but when I start eating I gain it back. Also, when I tried some kind of chinese herbal medicine (brown herbal tea they brew) that was for gallbladder, I had more appetite and was able to digest better for about 1 month but then it all went back to the norm. That a 3 day water fast would lessen the acne is unusual. Generally in the first few days of a water fast, a great amount of toxins are released. That sounds much more like something like celiac and/or candida issues. I definitely think you should eliminate wheat/gluten. And yes, when dealing with a congested liver/gallbladder, all manner of herbs help when taking them...but it never lasts until one clears the congestion (or other issues).
I bought an Omega 8004 after reading your recommendation for using it in juice fasting. Fantastic!
What are the post potent/powerful combo of vegetables/fruits if you had to choose the top 3? What is the best book you can recommend regarding juice fasting? The "Gerson juice blend" is a VERY good, balanced selection: Apple/carrot, carrot, deep leafy greens with apple
However, the 'heavy greens' needs to be 'worked up to' for most, and it's missing beets (very good for liver), as well as various enzyme laden fruits (pineapple/papaya), and other yummy produce (I personally love peach/mango, kiwi/apple, celery/apple/oj...and many other combos with oj. As far as a good book, there are zillions to choose from - and I've always found I can learn everything I need from Schulze/Christopher/Gerson. So be sure to read this: JUICE-FASTING: The POWERFUL healing therapy! and as long as you have a balanced selection of organic produces, you'll do fine. If you can find a book written by someone with extensive clinically experience that has successfully cured all varieties of incurables disease consistently...let me know. Norman Walker lived to over 100 and created the Norwalk Juicer - most recommend this book Raw Vegetable Juices: What's Missing in Your Body? (1936) A revision of this book was published in 1978 under the title Fresh Vegetable and Fruit Juices: What's Missing in Your Body? Hopefully HE did the revising (he died in 1986 I think). Well, it took me an hour or so (when I'm on 'the hunt' I can become a bit compulsive - lol), but I found an online .pdf of the book, downloaded it, and uploaded it for you/us - here it is:
(Somewhere I used to have a bookmark with his list of specific juices for specific issues, but I can't find it anywhere :( Remember, the BIGGEST advantage of juicing is getting the enzymes & nutrients in a condensed, easy to assimilate form - that allows the body to expend 60-65% less energy in the process of digestion, and USE than energy (with the assistance of the ultra-nutrition from the juice) to heal itself. And don't forget this:Juicing in canning jars...
I'm looking into purchasing the liver and colon 10 day programs on your site. Do you think those will help in the long run? As above, if you're undoing, healing & restoring 20+ years worth of damage, you're going to be diligent & consistent for (likely) at least a few months. 30 days on the healing/cleansing of the intestinal tract and at least two 10 day sections on the liver (done 5 days at a time, spread over two months), plus consistent daily liver work will make a big dent. We/you can reevaluate any time during the healing process. I've also tried liver flushing before a few times but I just can NOT stomach olive oil and citrus mix. I threw up every time feeling nauseous and I almost fainted. I am willing to do anything besides that. I'm sorry to hear you've had bad experiences with flushes...and that you've made up your mind based on a few bad experiences. Hopefully a bit of knowledge & understanding will turn that around! :) Nausea is VERY common when flushing an extremely congested liver - a logical explanation for it is that when you ingest the oil the liver/body knows it cannot make/release enough bile to possibly process the oil, so the body expels it. This RARELY happens if one takes the time to 'prep the liver' properly. If you took Epsom Salts with your flushes, that's likely the reason for the 'almost fainting' (and ingest ample amount of ginger root juice). Ginger root is the strongest anti-nausea that we have (other than cannabis), and it's also a cholagogue (increases the flow of bile), so it's perfect to add to the oil/citrus potion to prevent nausea.
Epsom Salts knocks the electrolytes out of balance (very severely for some), and I've read several stories of people fainting (ES makes me VERY weak, unbalanced/dizzy, clumsy & 'brainless'). Dr. Schulze never used ES when he had his patients liver flush - there's no need when you take the time to loosen the debris & "prep" the liver (doing the 5 day cleanse, with the herbs & morning 'gentle' flush drink; castor oil packs, foot reflexology & daily coffee enemas). If you choose not do a series of regular flushes (one after each 5 day cleanse), you'll be cheating yourself and significantly slowing your healing progress. Daily coffee enemas are a wonderful adjust to the entire process, but I don't consider them optional at all if you opt not to flush. It's my job to share what I know to be the truth - thank heavens it isn't my job to decide what you do with it! . I am hoping doing juice fasting plus the 10 day liver and colon detox will help alot? I can not possibly afford the whole 30 day program so I'm looking for the best alternative.. any help would be greatly appreciated. I totally understand about finances being tight. I'm going to list everything I feel is important to your healing, and you can decide how to prioritize your health/healing/finances.
I'm hoping that juice fasting and adding juicing to daily routine can help me heal my body. At this point I'm willing to do anything EXCEPT the olive oil flush and as long as I can afford it. The juicer was out of my budget but I'm hoping I don't have to spend alot more money on medicine, etc. I am so grateful for your assistance and efforts! Juicing & juice fasting is VERY beneficial. Your juice should last a lifetime and it IS (imo) the best investment you'll ever make in your entire life. I always 'grin to myself' when people say "I'm willing to do anything 'except' "'s kind of like my mother-in-law said ("you'll do it 'till you don't") only backward in this case, "you won't do it 'till you will". When people threw up and mentioned it to Dr. Christopher, he always replied, "GREAT! 'More room for the next dose!" Almost everybody feels some level of nausea when liver flushing, but it's pretty unusual to throw up when flushing after you're liver has been prepped and "loosened up". You don't have to start with 1/2 cup of oil - or you can use 1/2 - 1 cup of oil and spread it out over several hours. There's more than one way to flush your liver effectively - you can cross that bridge when you come to it (or you can decide in advance not to cross that bridge). It's your body, your liver and your health - we all have to live with our own decisions :) And it's my decision not to 'cheat you' by agreeing with your past bad experiences & current decision :)
Suggestions, instructions & reading assignments:
(thing "in black" can be purchased from us, if you'd like)
Colon cleansing and intestinal healing: IF#2 and IF#1, minimum of 30 days.
Instructions, ingredients and 'how it works':
Reading/learning assignments (remember: constipation = anything less than one bm for every time you eat; constipation/impaction also manifests itself as diarrhea, thin stools and excessive bowel movements):
Dr Schulze 2001 Bowel Newsletter
Journey to the Center of your Colon
Increase stomach acid (hence bile/pancreatic enzymes); increase mineral intake; assist killing parasites; help heal & strengthen heart:
Apple Cider Vinegar Bomb 3x daily (once before each meal). We shorten this to "ACV Bomb:
Instructions (last post in thread, but entire thread is good):
Information: Both the Cayenne powder and the raw/organic (MUST be raw/organic) increase stomach acid - both provide a myriad of other benefits (both are antiparasitical, as is the ACV; garlic contains inulin --a prebiotic which helps replenish gut flora--; both are effective for candida overgrowth, as is the ACV; cayenne & garlic both assist your heart-healing; cayenne is fantastic for circulation, and it increases peristalsis...the list is endless). Blackstrap molasses is ultra high in easy to assimilate minerals, including iron (you can substitute raw honey, but ONLY if it's from a local source - it's not as high in minerals). We commonly abbreviate Blackstrap molasses as BSM - it should be organic & unsulfered. Dr. Christopher required every patient, no matter what their issues to have these 3 things daily. We mix them together for convenience.
Reading/learning: (all "cayenne reading" - the links are in your Inbox now. There is some duplicate information. once you've read the 2/4 short files, you can save the ebook for later if you don't have the time). Read this for learning how to start using Cayenne powder and/or Cayenne tincture: Pepper Primer :) Re: Need Tips on Getting Hot Stuff In It is easier (for most) to start your Cayenne experiences with the tincture because 'the burn' goes away faster (but it's more expensive); however you should use the Powder in the ACV Bomb. The reason you may want a bottle of tincture is to carry with you whenever you feel the need for increased circulation (or to stop heart arrhythmias, if you have them).
Parasites: If you choose to aggressively attack parasites, you'd add one teaspoon of Unyworm liquid to each ACV Bomb, and up to 1 teaspoon of Unyworm dry herbs to 3 of the 5 doses of IF#2 (you can start with 1/4 teaspoon and work up to a full teaspoon). Two 8oz bottles of the liquid is enough for a month; 6oz of the dry herbs is enough for one teaspoon 3x daily for a month. There are various packages in smaller amounts. If I were going to do one or the other, I'd do the dry herbs mixed in with the IF#2 to start (it's less expensive but not less effective, and I think the dry blend tastes much better). Here are the instructions & information for doing a parasite cleanse (scroll down about halfway to see in the instructions): Reply + "Unyworm Instructions" - Re: parasites unknown
Heart & Circulation
Hawthorn tincture, Cayenne & raw Garlic
Information: You'll be using the Cayenne Powder 3x daily in the ACV; you want to start with 1/8 teaspoon of the powder and increase that by at least 1/8 teaspoon every 5-7 days (or faster), until you're taking at least 1/2 teaspoon 3x daily (1 teaspoon 3x daily is actually best). Dr. Schulze had at least one very serious 'heart patient' taking several tablespoons daily! Garlic is also VERY good for your liver (it increases bile flow), and it thins the blood slightly as well.
The dosage for Hawthorn tincture is 2-4 droppersful, 3-4x daily (there's a chart below my sign off you can use to calculate how much tincture you need). With the garlic & the cayenne (and since you have youth on your side), you might be able to do without the Hawthorn tincture. Read the information below to be able to make an informed decision.
The Heart Herbs: Hawthorn and Garlic - Christopher Hobbs L.Ac., A.H.G. - HealthWorld Online
Hawthorn for the Heart - Christopher Hobbs L.Ac., A.H.G. - HealthWorld Online
Hawthorn - David L. Hoffmann B.Sc. (Hons), M.N.I.M.H.
Hawthorn Makes the Heart Grow Fonder - Christopher Hobbs L.Ac., A.H.G. - HealthWorld Online
Liver & gallbladder
I remember you said you won't do a typical liver flush (and that's your choice), but I'm giving the information for the way I best know to fastest and most effectively heal & decongest your liver. You've likely read many stories on CZ of people needing to do 30-40 flushes to decongest their livers. It doesn't take NEARLY that many if one utilizes the various protocols below. Remember, we're undoing 20 YEARS of damage can do it over several months, or you can stretch it out over a couple-three years.
Each month (minimum) - Two 5 Day (Dr. Schulze) liver cleanses (Liver/GB tincture, Liver Detox Digestion Tea, Morning Flush drink compromised of juice, organic/cold-pressed olive oil, ginger root, & garlic), each followed by a liver flush of your choice on day 6, with two coffee enemas on day 7 (one in the morning after you wake up -before or after your first bm-, and one later in the late afternoon/evening). This replaces the need for (and is much more beneficial/healthy) than Epsom Salts.
Daily Coffee Enemas (you'll need 2 1/2 pounds of organic coffee from SA Wilson and an enema bucket -- if you don't already have one), and distilled or RO filtered water. S.A. Wilson's Enema coffee for coffee enemas
Nightly Castor Oil packs on the liver- Organic cold-pressed or Hexane free cold-pressed Castor Oil, plus a 100% natural fiber, undyed cloth that can be folded in two (or quadrupled) to a rectangle approximately the size of a football (an old 100% cotton towel or t-shirt will work). Something 'oil proof' to put atop the castor oil cloth (I use the disposable underpads commonly called "Chux" - I use them under me for CE's as well, to catch any leakage), some way to secure it while you sleep (you can wrap a towel around you and pin it, but using something like a cheap 'back support' --that wraps around your torso with a velcro closure-- is much easier and much cheaper, and can be found at WalMart in "sporting goods'), and a heating pad of hot water bottle. Castor Oil Therapy
Daily Foot Reflexology - the the reflex points for your liver & gallbladder and "dig in deep" with your thumb, knuckle, elbow or something like the rounded end on a thick wooden spoon. You can do this before & after you take off your shoes, while in the bathroom, or anytime you think of it. It is very effective, and once you've got your stethoscope you'll be able to hear your liver and how effective it really is. Reflexology foot map - Dorling Kindersley
Use 3-5 drops of the Liver/GB tincture directly on your tongue, several times daily (5x is good) on the days you're not doing the 5 Day cleanse (that's 10-17 droppersful for the month, so a 2oz bottle is more than enough for several months). The bitter herbs in this tincture stimulate the flow of bile throughout the day, and this is something that every congested liver appreciates :)
5 Day Liver Cleanse: Liver 5 Day Cleansing and Detoxification Program
Liver/Gallbladder & Antiparasite Formula
(instructions for making the tea in the link above)
There are many people (myself included) that cannot take more than 2-3 cloves of garlic at one time. Day 4 & 5 say to take 4 or 5 cloves of garlic in each drink. If you can only handle 2 or 3, the 2 or 3 is fine. I suggest adding more ginger root each time you add more garlic & oil (it REALLY makes a difference to the taste and help with any 'urpy-burpy' you may experience.
The only thing you will change is that you will NOT add the tincture to the tea - the tincture should be taken separately in a 'gulps worth' of plain water. The Tea is extremely tasty, but actually doesn't have much effect on the liver. It's taken from an ancient Indian digestive formula, and is VERY soothing to the digestive tract.
Chapter on Cleansing the Liver (and Dr. Schulzes "liver flush" instructions): SYL CleansingTheLiver
Essential Reading/learning:
Important (every link contains important information you NEED to know when being your own doctor, but these simple things are very important) - Being your own doctor - liver flushing/CE's READ ME PLEASE
~!~ What is the BEST liver flush? LIVER FLUSH 101
The Secret to the Coffee Enema
Basic Instructions for a Coffee Enema (be sure to post if you have questions):
Big liver flush every two weeks, no prepping...OR
Listen to your Liver - STETHOSCOPE TUTORIAL -
I'm pretty sure this covers everything...except using Water Kefir to help replenish the gut-flora (I'll be doing a brief tutorial on that in the next few days). In the meantime, I do have some Water Kefir grains to spare, so when/if you order be sure to make a note on the order that you'd like some (no charge).
I realize this is a TON of information and it might actually be a bit daunting. But on the other hand, NOTHING is more daunting that being sick, weak & frustrated. Being your own doctor (and doing it safely & effectively) requires that we research & learn for ourselves. Knowing what we're doing and why we're doing are the two most important things for ANY activity...and our health is certainly more important than any other activity.
Be sure to let me/us know if you have any questions.
Healthiest of blessings!
2oz = 84 drpfl ÷ 30.5 days = 2.8 drpfl ÷ 14 days = 6 drpfl ÷ 10 days = 8 drpfl
4oz (if using the 2oz dropper) = 168 drpfl ÷ 30.5 days = 5.5 drpfl ÷ 14 days = 12 drpfl ÷ 10 days = 16 drpfl
8oz (if using the 2oz dropper) = 336 drpfl ÷ 30.5 days = 11.0 drpfl ÷ 14 days = 24 drpfl ÷ 10 days = 33 drpfl
4oz (using the 4 oz dropper) = 148 drpfl ÷ 30.5 days = 4.85 drpfl ÷ 14 days = 10.5 drpfl ÷ 10 days = 14.8 dropfl
8oz (using the 4 oz dropper) = 296 drpfl ÷ 30.5 days = 9.7 drpfl ÷ 14 days = 21 drpfl ÷ 10 days = 30 dropfl
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