Re: How would you Iodine believers proceed? by MissCast ..... Iodine Supplementation Support by VWT Team
Date: 3/26/2010 1:48:26 AM ( 15 y ago)
Hits: 2,195
Hi Upright,
Sorry you're having such a bad reaction! You need to follow your intuition and take or not take Iodine as you feel best.
I got the swollen throat feeling when I first started Iodine and still get it occasionally if I've stopped for a while and start up again. It concerned me the first time it happened but I realize now that it is a temporary reaction, like a niacin flush can be scary if you don't know that it's normal.
I can attest to the power of applying Iodine on the skin. I have been taking it internally for 2.5 years and recently began applying it mixed in castor oil to certain areas of my body to work on some skin things. It's like I'm taking iodine for the first time.
I began to again have powerful bromide and metal detox from painting. How do I know it's not that I'm being poisoned from too much iodine?
1. It usually happens when I'm also doing a cilantro/chlorella course to work on metals.
2. It is cyclical with the same symptoms each time - ache in the back of my neck and knee joints and dark urine with a strange odor. When I pass through the detox, I feel better than ever. I do not have those symptoms just from taking a few drops of iodine as a rule, so it's not the iodine just passing out.
3. I don't get acne, didn't even get it as a teenager. Yet I got a few bromide zits in areas where I was painting (they really are different from regular acne).
When they were gone, they were gone even though I still paint on that area, so they weren't dermatitis or clogged pores from the oil.
Good luck with your tests and your journey!
Miss Cast
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