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Caprylic Acid, Undecylenic Acid, Silver Colloid, Erythritol all kill fungus among us. by nordskoven ..... Candida & Dysbiosis Forum

Date:   3/25/2010 12:13:34 PM ( 15 y ago)
Hits:   8,081

Candida/yeast snitches all available magnesium, keeping it from use by the host--you. Candida secretes estrogen, probably part of its cloaking strategy to keep your immune system from detecting and eradicating it. Candida excretes ACETALDEHYDE, a powerful tissue-eating toxin. ACETALDEHYDE is what eats the liver in alcoholics. The only thing that will de-tox ACETALDEHYDE is PANTETHINE, the metabolized form of B-5. PANTETHINE also lowers cholesterol. Google suppliers. PANTETHINE will de-tox ACETALDEHYDE and remove this source of brain-fog and that "sick" feeling but it's best to actively wipe out the Candida/yeast.

Caprylic Acid is a milder antifungal than Undecylenic Acid, 30X more powerful a yeast killer than Caprylic Acid, but Caprylic Acid is more readily available at health food stores. Undecylenic Acid is available from the internet. These are great for maintenance dosing to keep Candida whacked back as it seems to never completely die out.

Silver Colloid costs about $25 to make gallons yourself. $10 for 12" of .9999 fine silver 14 gauge wire (available at: CC Silver&Gold, Phoenix); $10 for three 9 volt batteries; $4 for the three 9 volt battery clips connected red-to-black, and two alligator clips from Radio Shack to set up the 27 volt rig; and a buck for a gallon of distilled water. See Curezone's Silver Colloid forum for directions on how to set up the rig.

Erythritol is a five-carbon Sugar which, like Xylitol, is taken up by pathogens but cannot feed them, so they die. Xylitol causes diarrhea at high doses but is otherwise efficacious; try some (pricey--$2.00) ALTOIDS gum with Xylitol. Erythritol and Xylitol can be bought in bulk at health food stores. GBU!

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